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Judy B has passed

Guest stephnewyrk34

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Guest stephnewyrk34

Hello dearest friends,

Mom passed away today at about 1:50 Tucson time.

I came from LA last night and spent the entire night with her, and she a woke to call my name, hug me and tell me she loved me. Then this morning she justfought to see her sister, but she missed her, and Debbie (her sister ) told us to tell her it was alright to go if she needed to.

I can not express how I feel, I am soooo sad and still can't believe it is real.

But I am thankful that she went peacefully, and also that she went quickly. Mom has been having pain for a few months, but this got really bad in the last 14 days. She worked until last Friday and eeven forced money on me to help me out before I went to Denmark, so she did what she lobed until the very end.

She had blood poisioning and also a lung/respitory infection, but the doctors all said that even if she hadn't had those and she had the surgery on Wed, this tumor was growing and it would have killed her, and it would have been much worse. She would have had a slow painful death.

So I will stay on the board, but this week may be hard and next week with my move to Denmark. BUT I promised my mother last night, that I would finish the book we started and give the proceeds to lung cancer research and also stay on this board. I told her that many of you were praying and loved her and she squeezed my hand,

Thank you for all your support

Stephanie for Judy B

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Stephanie , I am so sorry. Judy was such a wonderful part of this family, we will miss her so. Thank you so much for coming to us in your time of grief and letting us know that she has left us. I pray that you and your family will find peace. Donna G

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I am so sorry! It breaks my heart to hear this and to know what pain you must be feeling at this moment. I am truely sorry for your loss and feel that everyone that has ever encountered her is suffering a great loss.!

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Thanks to everyone. I know Mom loved everyone here and also would want people to continue to fight and not see what happened to her as a sign of bad things to come. It is hard to see the good in this, but she went fast, she went surrounded by family and friends, she lived her life to the fullest and she made a diiference in many many peoples lives. I am proud to have had such an amazing person as a friend, role model, teacher, mother and so much more. She was a gift and now she is at peace.

Thank you all again.


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