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Update on Lucie & Don

Don Wood

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Well, guys and gals, I'm back. After three weeks, the problem with my accessing the website is fixed. Let's hope it stays that way.

Lucie had a total bone scan the first week of June, and it showed a small spot on a rib on the upper right side near her shoulder blade. It has been giving her some discomfort. She started radiation of the spot and has had 8 of 14 so far. It is being done superficially so that lungs are not overly irradiated. So far, the discomfort has not subsided much.

On our last visit to the med onc, he informed us there may be some small "activity" in the medial lymph node area near her lungs. So he had a PET scan done last Thursday, and we will know if anything has increased since the last PET. Hopefully in the next day or two, we will know. Lucie has been enjoying her "nonsickness" period, so please add your prayers that this continues.

Today (June 27) is our 45th wedding anniversary. We are going out this evening with family and friends. This is special not only as 45 years together but Lucie did not think she would be here to see this. We are very blessed and grateful.

Blessings to you all. Don

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Happy 45 Anniversary Don and Lucie!!! May you have many, many more. I am sorry to hear about Lucie's pain and hope that she finds relief soon. Both You and Lucie are amazing cancer survivors, who live life with such gusto. You are a shining example to everyone on this board. Warm wishes and thoughts for you both on this special Day!

Cheryl and Jack

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Well...first....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! For 45 years, I will "shout" that one! :wink: What a wonderful milestone to be celebrating...and I'm so happy for the two of you and all your family and friends...that you are doing so! Enjoy the dinner out, to the maximum. I'm quite sure you will!

Now....as to the rest of your news....well, just know we'll keep you and Lucie in our prayers for no increased activity on the new PET scan and also for reduction in the pain in her shoulder. Also...an extra prayer for her continuing to enjoy the nonsickness period. I pray for that (at the very least) for ALL of us!

We're so glad to have you back on line, Don. Your calm, positive wisdom and support are blessings around here!

Wishing you and Lucie all the very best on this auspicious occasion...and hoping and praying there will be many more anniversaries that you will share together......and with us!

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Wow, Don you have to give Lucie 45 kisses tonight, you lucky fellow.

Happy, happy anniversary and many many more.

I am sorry to hear that Lucie has a small recurrence. It sounds like your doctors are right there, so hopefully this will just be a small blip in Lucie's feel good time.

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Lucie and Don,

HAPPY 45TH ANNIVERSARY!!!! Hope you and Lucie enjoy your special dinner tonight and create happy memories.

I am sorry to hear about Lucie's rib pain and hope the pet/ct come back with good news. (Or at least manageable news...)

Glad you are back on the boards!


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Guest NowakowDA

Welcome Home Don. It was rough being the only Don around this place. After all! Aren't all important, brilliant, good looking and down right great men named Don????? :P Much congrats on your 45th. Keep going!


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