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Charlie's in the Hospital


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Charlie has been very sick since he had his new chemo. last week--high fever over the weekend, body aches, weakness and digestive difficulties. The digestive difficulties finally landed him the hospital this morning after a 4:00 a.m. trip to the ER. He is dehydrated and in a lot of pain in his abdomen. They finally got an NG tube into his stomach and are "depressurizing" it. The doctor thinks it will take the weekend to get him straightened out and back in working order. Chemo. had to be delayed until next week sometime. What a bummer for not getting chemo. and for feeling so poorly 2 weekends in a row. :(

I know this is just a chemo. thing and others are much sicker, but I would appreciate prayers for his quick recovery so the fight can continue. What an awful disease this is! Take care and I am praying for all in need. I will have to catchup on some of you'll at a later time.

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Oh Tina,

I am sooo very sorry to hear that our Charlie is in the hospital! Oh my gosh! Please know your all in my prayers and I hope Charlie is feeling better real soon. I ended up in the hospital too after I finished up my chemo many moons ago for dehydration, and I'm here to tell you that SUCKS! HEY CHARLIE, HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON!!!

Love & Hugs,

Connie B.

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Prayers on the way. These chemo things can really be a bummer. Steve has had chemo postponed several times and sometimes I think the delays really were a good thing in the long run. Gave him a chance to get back on his feet a bit. Hang in there and remember that the brighter days are around the corner.

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Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. Improvement for Charlie seems to be a very slow process. His digestive tract has still not responded. Keep the prayers coming. Praying for all of you and for peace, tolerance and understanding.

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Tina, You and Charlie have my prayers as well. Is Navelbine the only chemo he was getting? This is the first I've heard of such a harsh reaction to Navelbine. My husband has been hospitalized twice (4 days each time). I know it makes it tough for you, too. Hang in there.



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