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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Doug, glad things are going well. Wish you a quick recovery. Don
  2. Fay, you are an inspiration to us all. Congratulations! Don
  3. Congratulations, Tiny. You have gone over the 2000 posts mark! We are fortunate to have you and your support, and you have been with us since the beginning (Jan. 03). You have such a gentle and loving way to support us folks and we much appreciate you being here. Thanks for your caring and contributions here. Hip hip hooray for Tiny! Don
  4. I agree with Jim -- everyone is different and his/her case is different. You need to work with the onc, but keep yourself abreast of what is available. You can do that here. My wife started out with Taxotere/Carboplatin combination. Later, she had Nevelbine. Our next time probably would be something like Alimta. Best to you. Don
  5. Your dad definitely needs a second opinion. He was given a statistical answer on prognosis, not an individual one. Everyone is different. My wife is Stage IV, NSCLC, and was given 9 months. She is now 2 1/2 years out and still fighting the beast. She has had chemo and radiation, and she has had periods of non-sickness, which makes it all worth the treatments. She is still functional. Her oncologist is very on top of the latest and very aggressive in his approach. That is what we like. My hope is that you will hang onto the hope. Don
  6. Cathy, you have my prayers. Taxotere was very effective with Lucie. Don
  7. Welcome, and glad you posted. Sorry about your dad. It is very common for lung cancer to spread to the bones. My wife originally had 5 areas around her body, and since has had several others occur. She has undergone chemo and radiation a number of times, with success. Hang in there. Don
  8. Don Wood

    Hello from NZ

    Thanks for the update, Jody. Hang in there. Don
  9. My heartfelt sympathies. Glad you got to share with him. Don
  10. Very beautiful letter. Your mom is very wise, and just a year younger than me! Thanks for sharing. Don
  11. Don Wood


    Melanie, I am glad you have been able to come to the point where you can express such beauty. You have given your husband and your family a special gift, and they will be fine. They will miss your terribly, but they will be fine. That is your legacy. Thanks for expressing these precious words to us here. Don
  12. Hi, Randi. Yes, I remember you. I am sorry your mom is in such bad shape. My prayers are with you. Don
  13. The antidepressant, Effexor, has the side effect of lowering sweating. You might inquire about this. It works for Lucie. Don
  14. Our own dear Ry has just made her 3000th post to the forum! Congratulations, Ry, and many thanks for your continued support of us all. Don
  15. I also am not getting a popup for a new message, although I do get a reminder by E-Mail. Don
  16. Betty, I am so saddened by your post. You have been such a good friend on the website here. I pray you healing and peace. Don
  17. You have endured a lot, and I am truly sorry you have had to go through it all. My heartfelt sympathies. Don
  18. Hi, Starry! Glad you are posting. My prayers are with you all. My spin on your quote about God is that God will not allow us more than we can handle with His great help. Hang on to the hope and have faith. Don
  19. Chemo is usually the reason for taste change. It should return when the chemo is done. However, my wife's taste preferences changed some even after the chemo. Don
  20. Sorry about the femur lesion. Lucie is presently being treated with radiation for a fibula lesion which has returned. Good luck. Don
  21. Actually, the New Jersey license plates would be sufficient.
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