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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Hi, Sally, and welcome to the board. Sorry to hear about your brother, and so young. There is a 19 year old young man on the board from Peru, and perhaps they can connect. His name is Jay. Mky wife and I were in Ireland two years ago and loved it. My mom's father's people were from Dublin area, I believe. We enjoyed our stay. I kissed the Blarney Stone, so you can't believe what I say -- ha! ha! My wife is Stage IV NSCLC and was diagnosed last October. She has had chemo and radiation (she has bone mets) and right now is doing pretty good. Best to you and your brother, Don
  2. Don Wood

    "Good air sounds"

    Good for you, Becky. Great! Don
  3. Thanks to all of you for your continued prayers, support and caring. As you can see under "Good News", we are doing pretty well now. Don
  4. Don Wood

    done radiation

    Glad to hear you're done with it, Ray.
  5. My wife was on Iressa and developed a bad cough. In her case, it turned out to be pneumonia, probably induced by the Iressa. I would ask your onc about this. As soon as my wife was removed from Iressa, she started getting better.
  6. If your mom has been bed-ridden, it very possibly is that her muscles are not getting enough use. S9o they atrophe and hurt. Is she eligible for physical therapy, so they can work to increase her strength and her muscle tone?
  7. Great news, Sophia! So glad to hear. Don
  8. Donnie, great news! So pleased to hear. Don
  9. Ain't it wonderful to be able to post here?! Lucie has continued to improve. She is eating well, talking up a storm, breathing oh so much better, and her lungs are clearer. She is now out of danger. She will be moved from ICU to a regular room today, and they have started physical therapy twice a day to help her regain strength. And, as if that isn't enough great news, as of 9AM this morning, my artificial urinary sphincter is working! Halleluiah! Let's just hope it continues to function properly. Don
  10. Don Wood

    Fantastic News

    Wonderful! Wonderful! May good news keep rolling in. Don
  11. Peg, my prayers are with you all. Don
  12. Cheryl, are you getting an acid taste in your mouth and throat? Lucie developed acid reflux during her chemo and radiation treatments and she took Nexium which cleared it up. After she had completed her treatments, she went off the Nexium, as the acid reflux was only temporary. Don
  13. Snowflake, thanks for sharing that story. Yes, there are many angels all around us, if we pay attention. Lucie and I frequent an establishment for lunch. One day, when I was alone, a lady approached and asked me about my wife. It turned out her husband died of lung cancer two years ago. She has since visited with my wife and me when she is there at the same time, and she made my wife the most beautiful book mark. Here is a stranger, bearing a gift and love. Angels everywhere! Don
  14. Best to you and your mom, Teri. Don
  15. It should be flushed with saline and then heparin after every use, and probably before when there is lag time. Don
  16. Ginny, it is too soon to get beyond the effects of the chemo. It could take months. Also, could any of his medications (for pain, nausea, etc.) be contributing? If he doesn't ask questions, would he allow you to ask questions of the doctor? Hoping things improve. Don
  17. Shannon, it seems to me the primary reason you were to stay there at the company was to get the emotional and financial support you would need to care for Mike. The way you cared for Mike, I would say you can find a job you can enjoy and bring home the bread. I have confidence in you. Don
  18. Karen, so sorry for the loss of your father-in-law. Please keep connected and let us help through the grief time. Don
  19. Donnie, you got it! Keep us posted. Don
  20. Jenny, super news! I am jumping with jou for you. Celebrate! Don
  21. Sorry about all your dad's troubles, Deb. I hope this all turns around positive for you all soon. The trip would be great. Glad your mom is doing well. Don
  22. Don Wood

    Dad is in ICU

    Sorry about your dad, Cathy. I'm assuming he was not on Iressa, because we think that is what caused Lucie's pneumonia. Hope all starts getting better soon. Don
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