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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. You're right, Rosanne. They are happy and beautiful. Glad there is some sunshine in your life right now. Best to Gianni. Have you asked the onc about Procrit or something to build up the blood? Lucie took something similar the last two times
  2. Happy birthday, Kathy. Tim is one lucky guy to have you in his corner. I hope you had a great birthday with him. Don
  3. Welcome, Curtis. Give Becky our regards. My wife just finished 5 treatments of taxotere and carboplatin. It has cleared the small tumor in her lung and shrunk (if not eliminated) five bone mets. It is hard to tell on bones if the tumor is completely gone, but we think so. Good luck with the new treatment. Don
  4. Susan, do go forward with your plans for the 50th anniversary. Your mom will be there. Don
  5. Mary, my prayers are with you and your sister. Don
  6. Shordy, you have made your dad so real to all of us. I'm grieved at this turn of events when things seemed to be going so well. Please know you and your dad are in my prayers. Don
  7. Don Wood

    Getting better

    WOW, Hugh! I am so impressed. Such good, good news, Candy. Candy is dandy and Hugh is too! Don
  8. Don Wood

    Good news I guess

    Yes, a good scenario, Marlon. I am so pleased for you and your mom. Don
  9. Don Wood


    Tina, thanks for the recent update on Jay. Your English is very good, so don't worry about that. It is all so sad. Please do keep us posted. Many thanks for your efforts and your obvious caring for Jay. Don
  10. Ray, sounds like you are in good hands and I'm glad you are moving into a treatment that has promise for you. Don
  11. Sam, sounds like a plan to me! And, yes, you have to go and be different, as usual. He He! Best to you. Don
  12. Annie, that sounds like great news to me. May the healing and recovery be swift. Don
  13. Berisa, the confusion could be the chemo and it also could be from any medication he might be taking for pain. His busy-ness is his way of coping with the cancer. He works at what he can control and manage since he can't control and manage the cancer. People react different way to having cancer. It is an out-of-control feeling. Best to you and your dad. Don
  14. DJR, my wife has a case similar to your dad. She was diagnosed with NSCLC 10/02, with five bone mets, including the left hip. She also had pain in the hip as well as the upper back where the main bone met was. She went through radiation on three of the sites, and started chemo. But she was in the hospital most of Dec. from dehydration and infections. One can get dehydrated easily on chemo or radiation if you are not taking in enough liquids. And if you are doing chemo and radiation at the same time, it is almost impossible to keep up the liquid intake and may need IV once a week. She spent most of January recovering. When we started chemo again it had been a two-month gap. She was on carboplatin and taxotere, like your dad. After five treatments this year, the small tumors in her lung disappeared and as far as we can tell, the bone mets are gone (it is harder to tell with bone). However, she has developed recently a bone met in her sacrum and is presently undergoing radiation for that. We feel hopeful that she will beat this thing. Good luck to you and your dad. Don
  15. Hang in there, Carol. Best to you and Gene, that you discover something that works well. Don
  16. Peg, that is great news! Here's praying this is the treatment that does the job. Don
  17. Don Wood

    I'm a wimp....

    Terrie, great news! You got it before I got to pray for you, but I can pray that the great news goes on and on. CELEBRATE![/color] What a day! Don
  18. Hey, I want a Miata, too! They are so cute.
  19. David, great news! You are truly a survivor! Go out and celebrate! Don
  20. Rana, wonderful news! I had to chuckle at your note, because Lucie and I are also trying to get "normal" things done while in this storm. We have had bars put up in our bathrooms to help Lucie (and me, too). My older son berated us for not having digital cell phones. We had analog phones that were ancient. Well, we went out today and got us both matching digital cell phones. Welcome to the 21st century. Don & Lucie! Yep, we have to get these menial things done as well. Actually, it's fun doing things that don't have anything to do with the cancer. Blessings. Don
  21. Enjoyed your report, Katie, and glad to have the update on you and yours. Eileen, thanks for the prompt. Don
  22. Jack, thanks so much for a beautiful tribute to us all. We appreciate you taking the time to do that. We love Cheryl and it is so good to meet you, too. I'm betting you will get to 44 years, and I am so pleased you have the home and surroundings you wanted. Good for you. Blessings. Don
  23. They are definitely STUPID REMARKS! Like, "Oh, I had an aunt that died of that." Well, I guess we must forgive them their stupidity. Don
  24. Don Wood


    Tina, thank you so much for updating us on Jay. We have all been wondering what the status was. It is just too sad that his mother died, just another tragedy in his very young life. How is his dad? And the rest of his family? Please send our love and support to Jay. And please keep us posted from time to time. Don
  25. Hi, Fay! NERD is a good thing, a very good thing! Celebrate! Don
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