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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. http://www.cancersa.org.au/i-cms?page=1.2.546.568 On this site the Australian cancer org. discusses Ian Gauler, a veterinarian Donna G
  2. It seems since I had lung cancer , and because I am open about it , that people come up to me all the time to share the stories about their loved ones who have lung cancer. Last evening I worked and when the night crew came to relieve us , one of the nurses took me aside and said " I have to ask you a personal question" " How long ago did you find out you had lung cancer?" and I replied " It was 6 yrs ago last December." and she said " My Mom knows about you having lung cancer, for her it has been just 2 yrs right now, no sign of any return, I will share with her it has been 6 + yrs for you , this will make her feel so good" I told her 2 yrs with NED , and explained about our friend, is great and reason to celebrate! I walked away feeling good that she had shared that good news with me. Donna G
  3. Hi "Sandy" Peggy. Welcome. I also hope you meet NED. I have enjoyed his company in recent years. Keep us posted! Donna G
  4. It would seem to me from your words that she is getting treatment. You said they did brain surgery and now are doing radiation to the brain. Chemo does not pass from the blood to the brain so that would not be part of the brain treatment. I am sure when she has had time to recover from the brain treatment is when they plan to start the chemo that will be to treat the lung and lymph node. When people say they are getting chemo and radiation together it is to the chest . Hope all goes well. Donna G
  5. Donna G

    new voice

    Great News. Congrats! Donna G
  6. Welcome Jamie. Those first few months are very scary. Glad your here. Keep us posted on how your Dad is doing. Donna G
  7. Hi Michelle. I wish I had a perfect answer for you. With kids that young I can really understand wanting to try for the cure. Tumors do leave scar tissue, you say it is much smaller? Many with stage IV do get remission. You say he sits in a chair all day? Most of us have had some depression under the stress of this disease. Could he? Has he been on any antidepressents? I hope you join us and keep us posted about Dave. It sure helps to have somewhere to go to "talk" and believe me we understand for we've been there. Welcome Michelle. Donna G
  8. Prayers going up for a smooth event and home soon. Donna G
  9. Welcome Fall54. I bet that is your birthday season. So sorry to hear about your younger brother. If he responds well to chemo and radiation he may have some good quality time ahead. Sounds like he is doing well now. I hope you find the info and support you need . Donna G
  10. Donna G

    What next?

    There are doctors working on tests they would find micrometastasis. The current advise is to have chemo for about 40 % will have regrowth from the tumor in the first year. http://ats.ctsnetjournals.org/cgi/conte ... t/74/1/278 This means that you also have a 60 % chance of total cure but many don't want to take the risk when they know and opt for chemo. Donna G
  11. Best wishes with the chemo but most of all we want it to knock that ED right out! Which chemo did they prescibe? Keep us posted . Donna G
  12. KC don't feel bad for not being there. I have found in my more than 35 yrs of nursing that many people leave this world after every one has gone home. It is almost as if they want it that way, not to put the family through watching . Many die during the night when they are most likely alone. I have seen many live until some one gets there as from out of state , that wants to see them and you wonder how do they hang on? Some how its like God gives them that last bit of control. Donna G
  13. Donna G

    Iressa warnings

    I wonder if the difference in the stats in Japan are linked with the fact that many were exposed to 2 atomic bombs- radiation. Donna G
  14. Like Connie above, I say welcome to you our southern neighbor. Glad you found us, sorry you had to. We all know the stress of those first months. You say he started with shoulder pain? So did I . Did he have a tumor up in the apex of his lung? I now know that pain was a God send for me, otherwise I never would have known that I had lung cancer. My tumor was pressing on the pleura and nerves. Well now that you have "come out" please keep us posted on how things are going. Donna G
  15. Donna G

    Odd Question

    I was hyper thyroid when I was diagnosed with lung cancer. I had lost more than 40 pounds. They all said this is not a good thing! They gave me the radio active pill, told me they were not going to be fussy for their goal was to zap it right away. Right after this I started my chemo and daily radiation, and they were still trying to regulate the thyroid and decide how much I needed. I take 150 mcg a day . Sorry that is not much help as all was happening at the same time and who knows which ( the radioactive pill or the radiation) knocked it out. My only point is they were worried about the thyroid being too high, not about it being too low. Donna G
  16. Donna G


    Great news Rich. Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  17. Donna G

    Judy B's Obituary

    Thanks Rochelle. Donna G
  18. I just love it. Thanks so much. Donna G
  19. Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 5:38 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guest: I agree that it is disturbing how little progress has been made with all the money that has been spent. I know i have a strong bias, but I am really unwilling to agree with you about putting all the eggs in the prevention basket. I never smoked. I was 30 years old when I was diagnosed. Nobody would ever have considered me "high risk" for cancer, especially lung cancer. So my only hope is cancer research. I think the problems with cancer research are the ones brought up in the article--too much effort is focused on very small improvement; not much is being done looking at the big picture, and when someone has a new idea they have a really hard time getting funding to investigate it properly. Another thing discussed at great length in the article is the known fact that mice are not very good models for humans in testing cancer drugs. What works wonders in mice often has no effect on humans. The reverse is very likely also true, so it's likely that lots of drugs that might have been effective in humans have been discarded because drug companies and the FDA still hold mouse trials as an important step for approval. Becky _________________ 30 year old non-smoker Diagnosed January 24, 2003 Stage 3A NSCLC Mediastinoscopy with complications--2/14/03 Chemo--Cisplatin and VP-16 2 cycles Radiation--34 treatments, finished 5/5/03 Taxotere started 6/18/03 Radiation pneumonitis 7/19/03, CT shows no shrinkage of tumor Started Iressa 7/29/03,ended 12/22/03 12/22/03--new tumors in left lung 1/22/04--started CMF chemo 2/16/04 PET scan--nothing lights up outside of right lung. Are left lung nodules benign or gone? Back to top She was right. I really hope we make progress soon. We should not be loosing people like Becky . Donna G
  20. Curtis I am shocked. Please know I am so sorry. She will be missed so. I pray that you and your family , her students will find peace. Donna G
  21. Donna G

    Judy B has passed

    Stephanie , I am so sorry. Judy was such a wonderful part of this family, we will miss her so. Thank you so much for coming to us in your time of grief and letting us know that she has left us. I pray that you and your family will find peace. Donna G
  22. Who ordered those MRI's? It is very strange that she could read them if they were ordered by his doctor. She is not a relative, and federal law is very strick- HIPPA. If he has them and is carrying them to another physician as a consult, it is not her responsibility to tell him what she interprets before he gives them to the doctor that he was refered to. In my opinion she just should have kept quiet for now for in not telling him what she really thought she certainly is not building trust either. Boy I sure can see where you are concerned. Best wishes and prayers for your Dad
  23. Glad to hear he is on the road to recovery. Keep us posted. Donna G
  24. Hi Dusty ! Welcome Donna G
  25. Yes welcome to NED. He is great company. Thanks for sharing this great news. Donna G
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