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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Thanks. She is very talented , that was so nice. Donna G
  2. Donna G

    Ya know..

    A life changing lesson to learn! Donna G
  3. I am so sorry that you lost your grandfather. I pray for you and your families peace. Donna G
  4. Prayers going up. Hope to read an update soon. Donna G
  5. David, I still think it would be sooooooooo inspiring to read a book that you wrote! Donna G
  6. Great news. Hope he gets an epidural, and recoups quickly. Donna G
  7. Donna G

    Am I Wrong

    I never heard of your condition so I looked it up at this site I found http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/help/default.asp?page=8397 It also says that is can affect muscles, not only joints and bones. Donna G
  8. Lisa , I am so happy for you and your husband. What wonderful results! They say when it works, it really works, and your report sure sounded like it is really working! Donna G
  9. Boy that is great news. I had the chest tubes (2) only 4 days and I thought that was an eternity. Are you using your insentive spirometer? Be sure to! or if you don't have one, every 1-2 hours stop and take about 10 slow deep breaths. That and range of motion of your right arm every few hours is important. Walking is great. If you need pain medicine to do these things, TAKE IT! Don't worry about addiction, your pain post op is real! Can you get a sleeping pill so you get enough rest? You are on the mend now, keep us posted. Donna G
  10. That is interesting. When I was about 10 or 11 my sister and I had some kind of a lung infection. I remember I was sick the whole summer! Really sick, in bed sick. Bothe my sister and I ended up in the hospital part of the summer. I coughed so hard that my nose would bleed, soaking towels of blood at a time. The cough continued all fall. So did the nose bleeds. They were thinking of cauterizing but finally it stopped because the coughing finally stopped. I wonder is this illness trauma? Would you scar from a severe infection? Donna G
  11. I had an xray because I was complaining of pain, what they were "looking at " was my spine, what they saw on a plain old xray was a solid tumor larger than a golf ball in the apex of my lung. Donna G
  12. Hi Lori, thanks for sharing your story with us. Boy your husband is inspiring , he continues to work every day, wow. I had just moved and was going to start a new job when I was diagnosed, I don't think I was as strong as your husband, I felt like just going for tests, and taking treatment was a full time job. Welcome to our family, I pray he is responding well to the chemo and treatment. We have several long term SCLC survivors in our local group. It seems to respond well to chemo. Please keep us posted on how he is doing and responding. Donna G
  13. Donna G

    One word...

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, great news. Donna G
  14. David, I think it is lovely.. Donna G
  15. Boy that show didn't sound educational. That sounds depressing. Donna G
  16. I was just watching the View and the guest was discussing this TV show ( I had never heard of) She said they liked topics that not only were entertaining but the viewer was educated by. Boy we sure do want to educate the public, women viewers would be a good audience. This is an article about the show, this one was suppose to be a women, young, who had uterine cancer. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr/te ... 1000593225 Any body watch this show, know how to get an idea to the writers? This site might be interesting to them http://www.4walc.org/ Donna G
  17. Sorry to hear about your talk. Blood clots and lung cancer seem to go togeter a lot. I know with NSCLC low molecular weight Heparin works better that coumadin. I had found this before. I pray that she improves and feels better soon. http://www.thedoctorwillseeyounow.com/a ... cer/hep_4/ Donna G
  18. Donna G

    Sun burn

    Sorry about the burn, hope you have a good salve to put on and sooth it. Sounds like it was fun. Take care. Donna G
  19. Welcome, glad to hear Kim say your Mom is young, that must mean I am young! Kidding aside, this is a tough battle, it is great that she has you on her side. I do believe the "fight" for me was the toughest thing I have gone through in my life. People dealing with this disease need a lot of support, sometimes simple things like a ride, sometimes an ear to listen to us, sometimes someone willing to do errands. The list goes on. Glad you are hear to learn and support her. Donna G
  20. You had said before in August that you were going to have an MRI of the spine, How did that turn out? Donna G
  21. Charlotte, this is such sad news. I pray for you and your family for comfort and peace. Donna G
  22. I am so sorry Gentyl26. I am glad you found us but so sad that you have lost your Dad already. Donna G
  23. Happy Anniversary. May you continue to grow in love. Donna G
  24. Donna G


    Great post, I was just talking about this friday with Connie. We grieve over many things not only the loss of a loved one. We grieve over the loss of our health, the loss of our dreams, the loss of our energy, the loss of our carefree-ness. We are not finished until our loss is resolved. Thanks Lisa for putting it down so well. Donna G
  25. As I said in another ribbon, when I was diagnosed with lung cancer, that same day I had a blood test for thyroid, it showed I was Hyperthyroid, yes I was treated with radio active Iodine, a high dose but I already had lung cancer. The doctor felt that the increased metabolism caused by the thyroid would make the tumor grow faster so he wanted that treated right away. Donna G
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