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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Just saw on ABC morning news talk of show on tonight- Peter Jennings Reporting- callled UP IN SMOKE . Sounds like if will really be interesting. They said 36% of Americans still smoke. "PREPARE TO BE DISTURBED" It is on 10 PM eastern, 9 PM central. They are going to zero in on especially what Florida has done with the tobacco settlement , Money used for other things than health care, prevention, etc. He said some senator, I think McCain, wanted to set up federal control of tobacco industry, if all agreed the advantage to tobacco would be that litigation against the industry would be limited to $6.5 BILLION A YEAR. Can you imagine that they spend more than that now! Where is all the money going? $6.5 Billion it seems could certainly fund some very good research into lung cancer. Donna G
  2. I see he hadn't posted since mid July. So sad. Donna G
  3. I see you are in St Paul, there is a support group at Regions Hospital today , the first tuesday at 1 pm on the first floor next to the cafeteria, the Minnesota room, if you can make it. Donna G
  4. Hi Kathy, welcome. I am so sorry you lost your Dad and now have to cope with lung cancer yourself. I think I have read that about 40 % of Stage 1 lung cancer patients can have disease show up again within a year. There is a doctor here in Minnesota working on developing a test for micrometastasis to find these people who need chemo. Because on the risk some doctors are recommending chemo, some others feel it is a lot to put someone through when the majority don't need it. Good luck and keep us posted. Donna G
  5. Hi Carrie. It seems you already met our great friend NED ( no evidence of disease) . Great news. Welcome aboard our community. Donna G
  6. O I am so glad that someone was able to check in . On our local news here in Minnesota that said 60 trucks ( I think) from our local electric company just left to go down there and help put the electricity back on. Big Job! Donna G
  7. Fivos, at my house we LOVED THE OLYMPICS. Your country did a great job, the opening ceremonies, the events, the closing ceremonies. Back to your question, seems some one on here mentioned sharks and medicine. Americans don't go to Cuba, Canadians might. I will do a search and see if I find it. Donna G I found something, click here http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.p ... light=cuba good luck.
  8. Great news, hope you love it. Donna G
  9. So sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and the family. Donna G
  10. Hi Ella. So glad you decided to "speak up". Enjoyed your tale and your positive attitude. Welcome. Donna G
  11. Donna G


    Ray, where have I been? You must already be on the mend, prayers going up for a successful mend and home soon. Donna G
  12. Hi Lisa, welcome . I also am an RN, and a 7 yr survivor. Hope we can help and I am sure your experience will help others. Donna G
  13. Cheryl, I hope it is that you feel tired from the chemo, stable is good, and you say you are not even finished with the chemo, It will continue to do more good work. Hope you are getting good night sleeps. Donna G
  14. Donna G


    Great news! Keep it coming! Donna G
  15. Brain mets -shrink, boy those words sound great together! Donna G
  16. Prayers for you and your family for peace. Donna G
  17. This info from chemocare.com http://www.chemocare.com/bio/bio.sps?iBiographyID=7958 It says that this drug if it leaks into tissue can cause problems. Donna G
  18. Many times shelter or rescue dogs are old enough to be already house broken. I think a young dog does better being kenneled and taken out side before roming around the house. They learn that ourside is the place to go. Go to http://www.petfinder.org/ they usually have lots of dogs all varieties looking for a home. Donna G
  19. Donna G

    Cool Site!!

    Great stuff. Donna G
  20. Drink lots of fluids, pray that it is nothing serious. Donna G
  21. Fay, why do you need a shoe, Are they letting you walk on broken toes?Donna G
  22. Donna G

    Happy again

    Yes, good news. I will also "HAPPY DANCE" too! Donna G
  23. Did better than I thought, got this message from Stan, who kindlly watched all three news shows!!!! I saw you and Sandy at three of the T.V. shows. Channel 4, 11, and 5. I didn't recognize Connie because she didn't have on her Blue T-shirt. Good showing! Too bad you didn't get interviewed. Next time! Stan Ps Yes , the blue tee shirt is the same one I am wearing in the picture.
  24. Here at the University of Mn. they had a cancer event a few years ago, they had all kinds of tumors , lungs, emphysema etc etc to view. It was interesting. Donna G
  25. Well, would you believe here it was September 1st in Minnesota and it was HOT . Up to 90 degrees. Sandy and I got there first, the Kare 11 news was too crowded we were way back. Next to KSTP, and we sat beside this guy in the bleacher with Pink and blue hair with sparkles in it. Would you believe he had a royal blue tee shirt on only his said Skyline Ride. Rusty was the caster at the fair grounds and he interviewed all the kids , a couple of women who had huge bags of stuffed toys they had won, of course the women who had won with her mushroom muffins recipe, Sandy and I moved down to the bottom row where he had been sitting and wouldnt you know then he interviews the guy with the pink and blue hair. One women near us said we were wonderful to bring attention, she lost her Dad to lung cancer, and her Aunt had a lobectomy for lung cancer. Well we proceeded on to WCCO, there we found Connie B and her grandaughter, and Jennifer and her friend. We did see an Alligator, and a giant lizard, and of course the man with the pink and blue hair was there. Next year pink and blue hair with sparkles!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps that will get us on. We continued on to enjoy another day at the fair. I got a picture of Connie and the grandaughter on the ferus wheel, and sliding out of a Cajun fun house. We saw the cows, sheep, pigs, the baby birthing center, baby pigs, cows, sheep being born, petted the tiny little ducks that were just hatched. went to more exibits, found out I have A+ blood, got a new mouse surface for the computer, clear post it notes from 3 M. We ate fried cheese curds, dogs, slush, ice cream, and many other things not listed on the diet for Slims in the Making. At least we wore our shirts around in a huge crowd for hours. When I got home there was a message on my machine " Donna , there is no change in those nodules" " I don't think you have anything to worry about, it is not cancer" "I will send you a note" What a great end to the day.
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