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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Hello and welcome Sending prayers and positive thoughts for good results and of course best of luck with the walk. Thank you for all that you are doing to help the cause~ Warmly Christine
  2. Hello Arnie and welcome Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring story! I am sure your presence here will bring much hope to many. Warmly Christine
  3. Hi Debbie and welcome I am sorry you had need to find a site such as this but very glad you joined us. You will find so much help, support, concern and care here as well as hope.... Please let us know how we can help you and know that we will do our best.. Warmly Christine
  4. Hello Jackie, welcome and THANK YOU!! What a wonderful thing you are doing by offering your support here as well as with your walk. I am sure you will be an inspiration to many here on this board Warmly Christine
  5. Hello Johnny I cannot add to the great advice you have gotten already but wanted to welcome you to the site. I am sending many prayers for your mom and for YOU. Warmly Christine
  6. MsC1210

    My Father

    Christine I am so very sorry. Warm hugs Christine
  7. MsC1210

    Update - LarryH

    Karen I am so sorry about your husband. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this most difficult time. We will continue to be here with you and for you. Warmly, Christine
  8. Rick Hello and welcome. I am so sorry you had reason to find a site like this but very glad you joined this one. Please read through some of the posts on the survivors forum as well as the good news one. You will find a lot of hope and encouragement there. Please keep posting and let us know how we can help. There is always someone here that will answer you and there is always someone here to lean on. Warmly Christine
  9. Patti, You and I had talked about this topic briefly not too long ago and I stand by what I said. You've been such a beacon of strength and hope for Nick. You've been open and honest with him and demonstrated that even in the face of this beast called cancer, a person can, and you DO, live your life to its fullest and on YOUR terms, not the disease's. Of course you will second guess and question your decisions. All of us who are parents do that, it is normal. I'd be more concerned and worried about you if you did not have these thoughts and feelings! My gut instinct is that Nick has had a wonderful life thus far and that he, AND YOU will continue to do so. Nick has something in his life that many kids do not have. Parents who are there for him, with him and care, genuinely CARE about him and his future. Patti, you are an amazing lady, and I am so proud of you and how you are dealing with all of this. Keep it up and YOU GO GIRL! Love and hugs Chris xo
  10. Max I am sorry to hear you are having SOB problems! I cannot offer any advice but wanted to say hello and send both you and Inez my best wishes! Warmly Christine
  11. Aww Pup I've been thinking of you and hoping that things were going well So sorry to hear of all these side effects. I don't have any advice or wisdom to offer but am sending hugs and prayers Warmly Christine
  12. Robyn As long as your Mom is stable and taking care of herself on her own, there should be no question about whether you can/should go to Florida for 4 days. Caregiving is a tough job and you need to look out for your own health and sanity as well. If you don't take care of your own needs you will not be able to care for Mom when/if she needs you. Hope this helps Warmly Christine
  13. Hello EA and welcome I hope you will find this site to be helpful and comforting. Please let us know what we can do to help Warmly Christine
  14. Jen I am so sorry you needed to be back here. You know the drill though, so just let us know what you need and we'll be here. Hugs Christine (aka cynical_angel)
  15. MsC1210

    Raney Fleck

    I am so shocked and so sorry to read this news. Please accept my sincere condolences and sympathies on your loss. You and your family are in my prayers. Christine
  16. Hello and welcome to the board I am sorry about your mother in law's diagnosis but glad you have joined us. I cannot offer much as far as information or advice but would like to say, please do NOT listen to the statistics and prognosis you will find and hear. Those stats are numbers, averages and your mother in law is a unique person. Everyone responds to treatment differently as you will see as you read more of the stories and history on this site. There are so many postive stories and so much hope to be found here among this group. Please let us know how we can help you and we will be here for you. Warmly Christine
  17. MsC1210

    cindi o'h

    I am so sorry to read this. Prayers and condolences to her friends and family. Warmly Christine
  18. Gracie Welcome to our "family". I am sorry about your sisters diagnosis but as you have seen here, we have MANY MANY surviviors. Please let us know how we can help you and your sister and know that we are always here for you. Please keep posting and let us know how things are going... Warmly Christine
  19. MsC1210

    Letting Go

    Carrie My sincere sympaties. I am so very sorry about your Mom. Warmly Christine
  20. Good Luck today Rob! Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way. Please let us know how things go.. Warmly Christine
  21. Hello and Welcome Deb Will be thinking of you today. Please let us know how things go. Thoughts and prayers Christine
  22. MsC1210

    Photo posting

    Ernie I've been using a site called tinypic.com and having good luck with it Christine
  23. Hello and welcome from one Chris to another! Please keep us posted as you learn more about your husbands condition and know that we are all here for you and will be should you continue to need us. Warmly Christine
  24. Hello Jackie and welcome I am sorry you had need to find us but am glad you have joined~ Have a look around the various forums as there are wonderful stories of hope, courage and strength to be found all over this site. Please let us know how we can help you and know that there is always someone here to offer advice and support. Warmly Christine
  25. Hello Carole. Welcome to the site. I am glad you have joined us and shared your story. Please keep posting! Christine
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