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Nick C

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Everything posted by Nick C

  1. Hey. I don't have too many answers for you about "how" but can say if everything you do is done out of love, then you are doing the right thing. As far as the 2 weeks go, when you have questions, need to blow off steam whatever...just hop on the board. As far as negativity, I'll bet you can bring all the positivity to blot all of it out. Good luck.
  2. Nick C

    So tired

    Oh Karen, Rest. It is exhausting. THe emotions are quite a workout. You will know when you've had enough rest, but for now, don't push. We're here for you.
  3. Nick C

    Christmas Cards

    I am having Mom's mail forwarded, I am waiting for that to happen. I'm not looking forward to that either. I'm sorry.
  4. Me, no tinsel...wife, loves the stuff. I tell her she want's it, she has to pick it off (Fake tree).
  5. Aaron, I have a great idea. How about one of those spandex dew rags? Hulk Hogan always wears one with a suit...what about you? Lawrence Taylor would too. You can wear it low enough. I know the only great answer would be to get you your hair back...but just thought I'd try to be as creative as possible. Have fun at the wedding anyway!
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. What you said about going to church. Wow. That just struck me. I hear what you are feeling and am so sorry.
  7. HI heather welcome. Sorry for the diagnosis. Good luck in the fight against this disease. Glad to hear he is in good spirits!
  8. Nick C

    Long Night.....

    I get it. Prayers going out for you.
  9. Nick C

    My Mother

    Oh Christine, I am so sorry. I'm just SO SO sorry.
  10. I echo everything said here. Find out if there is anything wrong first...no need to make something with a new employer or worry yourself for that matter until there is something to worry about. But get all your health questions square and then all things will fall into place.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. You are so kind to say you'd be there for folks here...please know we all feel the same and would like to offer you the same comfort when you need it. We didn't know your dad like you did, so we don't exactly know, but we generally know. And it does suck. Again I am truly sorry.
  12. Which meds? Folks here may know. My only experience is with Mom and decadron, which made her fill up with pis_ and vinegar! We would laugh about her being the decadron B*&^%. She named herself that...not ME! But she was testy to say the least.
  13. Robin hand in there. There are many who are survivors here...every dx is differnt and nothing is set in stone. Many here can attest to that. We're with you.
  14. Sharon, Gosh, I know how this must feel being that you've been through this. There's no point in telling you first things first, it won't take away the nervousness. I'll just say I understand your feelings and know I'll be praying for your husband tonight. Hang tough.
  15. Welcome. Certainly the choice is your fathers, but a second opinion is always nice. One doc could be off one day, two docs come to the same conclusion, at least you know you have concensus. God bless and I hope you have a joyous holiday with family.
  16. Christmas growing up and even in adulthood rocked with Mom! Johnny Mathis Christmas Album, A Christmas story in full 24 hour rotation, Mom and I when it was just us would do an untraditional Christmas eve fish dinner (Sushi) and go home and open one present each. Christmas day dinner was a replica of Thanksgiving until I took that over a few years ago. I realized that one of my greatest joys of Christmas wasn't giving or receiving, it was watching how happy my mother was to be giving. She loved watching me open a Star Wars toy, or legos or a new tool for the workshop. When I was about 8 she started buying me a really nice snowglobe every year. I have a collection in the cabinet at my house. I'm going to halt that collection where it is. Those were from Mom to me. I remember so much. I'm so blessed to have these memoeries. I will make new memories for my kids when I have them.
  17. Holy cow, Pat, I had no idea!!! That's so much. You are amazing. And you are far from bitter. You've always had such kind words for me when I have posted about my hurt here. And I am happy to see your followup post. All the best in handling these feelings.
  18. So glad hearing this great news.
  19. Sawyer, I'm sorry for the diagnosis, but welcome. We will certainly be here to support you. Your mom living like there is plenty of living to do is exactly what's going to get her through this. Sounds like she has the right attitude. We'll be here!!!
  20. Sue, Welcome to you. I don't know what any of it "means" but what I do know is there are many here who have beat the clock, threw the clock out, know even a broken clock is right 2 X a day and basically defy the "clock". A lot of survivors here!!!
  21. Joanie, the logic I would apply would be in line with Kaseys, but I'm a just CPA, so I wouldn't trust anything medical in my hands. Sorry about the trial not working out BUT at the same time congrats on the trial not working out...a more established treatment course will be followed instead and you'll get this taken care of that way. Continued good thoughts and prayers for you.
  22. Ann, I'm praying for you. I'm so sorry.
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