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Nick C

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Everything posted by Nick C

  1. #1, definitely don't stress...for you and your own health. #2, I hope my validation of the fact that your boss is indeed being a jerk and I get your frustration helps reduce that stress a little. It often amazes me how folks lose sight of life and it's challenges which exist OUTSIDE of the workplace. #3, best of luck with the state. Wow, take the doctor to task! But not at the expense of stressing. As my mom used to say, every dog has his day.
  2. Nick C

    Feeling so down

    Jana, I know. My mom will never get to experience being a grandmother. I'll never have a memory of her holding my child. It was 2 months yesterday. When you said you would give your right arm I started to tear up (I'm at work, never a good look) because I could just imagine what it would be like to have just 10 more minutes...here I go again . Anyway, I could go on, but I won't. Just know that I SO KNOW what you are going through. I too miss my mother with every ounce of my being. I hope I have a dream one day of mom and my child. Here's to our mothers. We were too young and will be away form them for too long here on earth, but when we are with them again, all of the hurt will be gone and only our love for them will remain. Feel free to write anytime you need. We're all in this together.
  3. Martha, I too remember crying so much I broke bloodvessels around my eyes. I know the holidays are here and I understand your sadness facing them without Mom. I can hear what myu mom would say. "I know you are sad this year, and that's OK" We aren't supposed to enjoy this one. I know the milestones stink.
  4. Nick C

    A year ago today

    Jill, these milestone reminders are so tough. Sad and angry and wanting to cry is completely understandable.
  5. Nick C

    Brain Mets

    Second opinion I think is key here. If you have 3 mets I would think a targeted radiation would still be an option...so seek out that opinion. And you are feeling good, so again, second opinon. Chemo (I'm not medical, just going on what I learned with Mom) does not pass the blood brain barrier. So Chemo shouldn't be an option for brain mets...let me know if the Dr says otherwise. Mom's changes were gradual in that her motor skills weren't quite right for a couple of months prompting her to find out what was wrong. Again, this doesn't sound right to me. Opinions vary depending on the doctor actually. One other point, I know you said no WBR, and I would support any decision, but I would ask what the impact of the success of the treatment would be to start after symptoms vs. earlier. I always got the general feel the earlier the treatment the better the success. I would want you to weigh that. I'll pray for your doctors to be wise and your decisions to bring you comfort!
  6. Hoping for more pleasant and good days ahead!
  7. Shane I'm so sorry. He's in a better place. I'm SO sorry.
  8. I'm very sorry about the dx, I don't have experience with this particular situation/treatment options, but am wishing you and Mom Luck.
  9. Nick C

    An idea...

    Had a great idea. I got a recruiter phone call years ago for a job at phillip morris, turned them down for moral reasons (before mom was sick, but still understood I wouldn't want to profit from it). Anywho, I was thinking if I got the call today, what would I do? I think I'd take the interview, and instead of a resume I would push across the desk a picture of my beautiful Mom, and explain what happened and ask the person to walk out with me...make them incure more costs trying to fill two positions, do the right thing. Don't work there. At that point I'm sure security would come, at 6'1 215 I can take a little roughing up, but on the way out pass out photos with an appeal to anyone I saw. The appeal would read: this was my mom...don't help this company make more sons say goodbye to their mom's too soon. Walk out and don't look back. Just a little fantasy of mine. I'm hoping a recruiter calls.
  10. Ellie, I'm glad you received a sign. She is in a better place.
  11. Nick C

    A Giggle

    Bill, I never "knew" Lucie. But I feel like I do because I've read so much from Don and others. I a way it's like she is kept alive here, enough so that I feel like I'm still getting to know her. So I think that is kind of a blessed mistake...look how our loved ones are still with us. There's another sign for you Don!
  12. You can bring him comfort...God Speed.
  13. We are here. It's all so much to deal with. God bless.
  14. Nick C


    Mom experioenced this alledgedly from the decadron, the doctor said it was actually yeast...whether this is you or not I don't know...but that's what the doc said. Just as an aside, the "phlegm ball" the bloating from the steroids pressuring her diaphram and the fatigue from radiation masked the fact that she actually had pneumonia...so just something for any here to be concious of.
  15. Kevin, I know it is scary, but you don't know everything yet. But there are so many survivors and new treatments all the time (not as fast as I'd like). But hang in there. We're here to support you.
  16. Jackie, this is all so much your mom and your husband's. I'm sorry you all are going through this.
  17. Julie, grieving is tough. The world moves fast and often times there is no place in everyone elses lives for our grief. But we're here, this is a good place to grieve and help others in the process to know they are not alone. I'm sorry you are hurting.
  18. Randa, I'm so sorry, clearly you and your uncle were close and I'm very sorry for your loss. I think the Doctor said the right thing in prepping your uncle for the fight. Unfortunately, this disease can do some very odd and surprising things. My mother was at work on a tuesday (albeit tired and not 100%) and Passed thursday morning. The doctors truly don't have the answers. They don't know either. They try. "No big deal" is not exactly what I would say about any stage of any cancer, but what he had was "treatable" according to everything I've learned here. We're here to support you.
  19. Best of luck. Be there and cherish every moment! God love be with all of you and comfort you.
  20. Nick C


    Star Wars...all six of them.
  21. Nick C


    Thanks for saying so Bill. I can honestly say the last two months of my life would have been very different without this site.
  22. Robin, I missed your first post as well. Hang in there. Don't be afraid, you can get lots of strength here.
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