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Everything posted by Debi

  1. Hi Donna, I haven't responded to your post since I actually didn't have treatment at CTCA but I did have my surgery there as my surgeon worked out of CTCA in Tulsa. I spent a total of 6 days there in Special Care, and the night before surgery in one of their "family" rooms. The CTCA is very family oriented and at least the one in Tulsa, even has several floors of rooms that are available to rent out to family members/friends of patients at $20 or $25 a night. If the family all want to camp out in the patient's room, that was okay too and they would bring beds in for you. Family is encouraged 24/7 to spend time with the patient. I found every one there compassionate and caring with the exception of one nurse, the last one that was assigned to me who made me feel like James Caan in that movie Misery. Other than her, everyone was nice. I also was visited by nutritionalists, masseuses, spiritual advisors and the respiratory techs. I loved my Pulmonary Specialist who is Director of Pulmonary Services there. Personally, I was comforted by the fact that they did advertise on TV for some odd reason. And driving to the Center, the highway was lined for miles with trees that had been planted by them, each with a plaque that had a Survivor's name on it. I met patients there from all over the country who fly there once a month for treatments and they all had nothing but great things to say about CTCA. Basically, this is all the info I have. I was never sick BEFORE my cancer so I have no comparison. I was somewhat taken aback because I had never been in a treatment center and had been expecting more of a "hospital" type place. Other than that, and Nurse Rachit, I have no complaints.
  2. Karen, I don't have any answers for you but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for your pain... I hope that someone else can help you with this situation and in the meantime, please keep coming back here for support. And don't be embarrased about your prior lurker state... this board is here in whatever capacity for whomever needs it! Sending you and your husband best wishes ...
  3. Okay, I was afraid to post this all by myself but figured I would add to David's post...safety in numbers... Forty Things Never Said by Rednecks: 40. Oh I just couldn't. Hell, she's only sixteen. 39. I'll take Shakespeare for 1000, Alex. 38. Duct tape won't fix that. 37. Lisa Marie was lucky to catch Michael. 36. Come to think of it, I'll have a Heineken. 35. We don't keep firearms in this house. 34. Has anybody seen the sideburns trimmer? 33. You can't feed that to the dog. 32. I thought Graceland was tacky. 31. No kids in the back of the pickup, it's just not safe. 30. Wrasslin's fake. 29. Honey, did you mail that donation to Greenpeace? 28. We're vegetarians. 27. Do you think my gut is too big? 26. I'll have grapefruit and grapes instead of biscuits and gravy. 25. Honey, we don't need another dog. 24. Who's Richard Petty? 23. Give me the small bag of pork rinds. 22. Too many deer heads detract from the decor. 21. Spittin is such a nasty habit. 20. I just couldn't find a thing at Walmart today. 19. Trim the fat off that steak. 18. Cappuccino tastes better than espresso. 17. The tires on that truck are too big. 16. I'll have the arugula and radicchio salad. 15. I've got it all on the C drive. 14. Unsweetened tea tastes better. 13. Would you like your salmon poached or broiled? 12. My fiance, Bobbie Jo, is registered at Tiffany's. 11. I've got two cases of Zima for the Super Bowl. 10. Little Debbie snack cakes have too many fat grams. 09. Checkmate. 08. She's too young to be wearing a bikini. 07. Does the salad bar have bean sprouts? 06. Hey, here's an episode of "Hee Haw" that we haven't seen. 05. I don't have a favorite college team. 04. Be sure to bring my salad dressing on the side. 03. I believe you cooked those green beans too long. 02. Those shorts ought to be a little longer, Darla. 01. Nope, no more for me. I'm drivin tonight.
  4. Debi

    11 years ago

    Wow girlfriend, 11 years!! You are such a power of example Gail... it can happen!! I haven't changed much of how I live my life since my surgery but the one thing I have changed is that I hug my son a little bit tighter every time I hug him.... and luckily he is still too young to not WANT me to hug him... I want to give him all the hugs that I can.... Congratulations again on your 11 years. The fact that you are going to see your son graduate high school gives me the hope that I will be there with mine... old as hell but there...
  5. Good luck on your scan on Monday!!! I also have a test on Monday, I have a brain MRI in the morning and am trying not to think about it because I am just as nervous, so you have company!! As far as your cough, there are so many illnesses and possible allergies this time of year, and your cough could be from that. I know its hard not to think of the alternative, I don't think anyone has an easy time of it waiting for tests OR the results of tests!! I am also sorry to hear about your brother... Please make sure you post the results of your scans...will be thinking of you...
  6. Bruce, Welcome back! We were just talking about you in chat (nothing bad, I swear!! ) and wondering where you have been! Good to see that you have just been having a good time while we worried ..... Unfortunately, I think there is a big fine for that.... Ry?
  7. So glad Nancy is doing okay.... thanks Fay!
  8. Wow, what a difference a few days make!!!! It looks like you are in excellent hands and well on your way to a great relationship with your doctor and his office. Sounds like they are doing all the right "stuff"...it must feel good to finally have some answers!!!
  9. David, I am keeping everything crossed for you including my eyes.... according to what my mother used to say, they may stay that way but it is worth it for you!!! I will be there with you in spirit tomorrow.....
  10. Jen, My "shadow" was found last January and I had subsequent tests, etc and they could not figure out what I had. I had to have a follow up CT in April to see if my nodule had grown and ended up having surgery last June. I must be the last of the die hard smokers too because even after finding out that I had a "shadow" and all the subsequent tests, I could NOT stop smoking. It doesn't help that I have a highly addictive personality.I managed to cut down some for a bit but I was more stressed than I had ever been and during that time period still smoked. I was even in the smoking lounge at the Cancer Treatment Center of America the night before my lung surgery, chain smoking. Luckily, I was able to use the time after the surgery, in special care to "detox" from the damn nicotine. Its been almost a year and I haven't smoked nor do I plan to. But like the others before me have said, some days it is very hard. I have no advice to you other than to do your best to quit... but don't beat yourself up because you still smoke. Just try every day.....you WILL physically feel so much better when you stop....If I could stop and stay stopped, anyone can, I promise!!!!!
  11. Okay, with all the stuff I have had going on, I somehow missed this post!! Congratulations on one year of not smoking... you know I know how hard that can be!! Glad to hear that you are doing wonderfully....
  12. Debi

    MN Trip on Hold

    Mo, Am so sorry that you couldn't make your trip but you are right, it probably is for the best, you need to get your strength and take care of yourself. You have been a ball of energy, taking trips and doing all sorts of things since you started posting, I'm sure this fatigue must be real difficult for you right now! You'll be back in action Mo, before you know it...meanwhile, forget about the sexy cabana boys, isn't there a certain festival in town this weekend??
  13. Debi


    Francine, Please keep us posted on what the doctor suggests... My thoughts are with you and know that you will get through all this... I'm just sorry that you have to have a setback...
  14. What a great analogy Muriel!! Thanks for the reminder of what life is really about....
  15. Debi

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Nancy, Good luck! Will be thinking of you tomorrow....
  16. Debi

    5 Years Ago Today

    Fay, You are a true warrior in this fight and a power of example. I'll repeat what everyone else has said, you inspire everyone on this board with your strength, wisdom and determination. I am so glad that you are here...
  17. Makwa, I am so sorry that you are going through all this misery but I am glad that you made it here with us, we will all help you through it.... Good to hear that the MRI's are over and you at least don't have to put your body through that.... Keep posting..it is good to see you....I will keep my fingers crossed that someone cancels with the doctor...
  18. David, It was most likely those loads of wash that pushed you over the edge.... Sorry you are feeling poorly and hope you feel better tomorrow!!
  19. Debi

    CT results :)

    Mary.. Sounds like great news to me too!!!!!!!!! Thanks for posting in Good News..its always great to share good stuff!!!!
  20. I don't know if I am late or not but Happy Birthday anyway, Katie!!! Thank you again for all your hard work and I hope the coming year brings you happiness...you deserve it...we would all be lost without you and Rick keeping this website and us together.
  21. David.. Who are you kidding?? Did you EVER get a vote??? We let you vote about the little rat dog only because it really wasn't important... I come back from out of town and here David thinks he has a say in things...Ry, Becky, anyone.. what is going on?? By the way, I don't want to be a post jacker so have a good time David & Karen. :lol: My son saw the ocean for the first time last week and I couldn't keep him out of the water!!
  22. Debi

    My brother-in-law

    I have been running around like a chicken (there is always a chicken ) and have not had time to really be on the board... I want to thank all of you for your posts. I have been feeling sorry for myself because I am sick again and am also tired of doing everything alone. The 2 hour trip to the airport, the parking, the bus to the terminal, the flight, my stark TERROR of flying, all with a 5 year old and 2 suitcases, all of it has been looming over me. Wish I had a man that could drive me there, unload my suitcases and drop me off. Either a man, or if this town had a car service that went to the airport, that would be even better ! Anyway, your posts reminded me that I am not alone, I have all of you and your thoughts with me. I will be sure to let my sister know that you are there for her too, and am sure that it will bring her comfort. I hope that everyone has a good week, and that you all stay healthy and strong..
  23. Debi

    My brother-in-law

    I wasn't sure where to put this post ...hope no one minds I put it here.. When I was first diagnosed with cancer, I became the first one in my family to actually have any kind of warning that I may not live forever. Everyone else..my cousin, my grandmother, my dad... died suddenly of different reasons. They were here one minute, and gone the next. There has never been a goodbye said. Well it appears my 52 year old brother in law has followed the family tradition. My sister in Florida called me this morning while I was getting ready for work and told me that Jim died late last night, alone, of a massive heart attack, while she was at work. My 18 year old niece had come home and found him. When my sister came to see me last year, all she talked about was working another 5 years and then her and Jim were going to retire and live out the rest of their lives in a house they owned by the shore. Lisa has been the breadwinner, Jim has been on disability from a back injury and raised the kids mostly himself while Lisa worked all kinds of hours to work her way up so they could live easily AND retire by the time she was 45. My sister is bereft, she has been with Jim since she was 18, needless to say she can't even talk, it took her all night long to remember my phone number..she kept calling my cell which was off. So I have once again wiped out my newly opened savings account and gotten plane tickets for me and my son. I am flying to Florida on Monday, as she has friends with her this weekend, and really wants me there for the services and to help her with business stuff. It is just her and I, my mother told her that she won't be able to make it to Florida, because her knees are bothering her. Jim and I didn't always see eye to eye.. at one point I was going to boycott her wedding. Over the years we became accustomed to each other and I have had nothing but respect for the father he became. I am sad and tearful that he is gone, and once again shocked over the suddeness of it all, but I am more concerned for my sister, my niece and for my 13 year old nephew. I'm not really sure what my point is..but I think it is the old you could get hit by a truck tomorrow thing. No matter what plans are laid... you just never know...and now my little sister is suddenly a widow at 40...
  24. Hi Joni, I realize what you mean about not alienating the doctor or nurse. At this point though, as you are well aware of, the stakes are pretty high. My advice to you would be to push, push, push until you get the results you want. If this includes maybe going for a second opinion, then go for a second opinion. One thing that I have found out is that we are the ones responsible for getting the care that we need. All too quickly, either in my own experience or on the board, I have seen patients get less than adequate responses from their doctors and nurses. I think we are taught to generally respect what doctors say, this disease teaches us to rethink that notion and to demand respect from our doctors and nurses instead for what WE say and need. You seem to have already began this journey insisting on what you needed. Just keep going.... I wish you and your husband the best...
  25. Debi

    BobMC again

    Ry, You should have let me send the damn chickens when I wanted to, Bob would have been back out of sheer fright of what was coming next... And Gail, not acknowledging any membership in Ry's cult or anything.. I'm sure there is no problem with you joining... you would be a welcome addition. You will have to check with Ry for the current entrance fee ..
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