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Everything posted by Debi

  1. Debi

    2 year survivor

    David, You GO Big Guy!!! Congratulations on the 2 years, I am so glad you are on this board!! How many celebratory chickens do you want?
  2. Debi


    I miss Bob too and wish that we would hear from him. We grew to really appreciate Bob in chat, he was always such a good sport and could always make us laugh! Tuesday nights are not the same without him! When people were talking recently about their first posts, I looked at mine and saw that Bob was the first person to respond to me. He was always the first to try to make someone feel better....I wish he would give us the opportunity to make HIM feel better. I wish that Bob or someone close to him would post as to how he is... I miss him, his sense of humour and his accomplished use of emoticons...
  3. Man, how did I miss this thread?? Lose your internet connection and it sets you back about a month!! Congratulations David, I am sorry I am so late. You may be a wierd putz, but keep in mind, you are our wierd putz!!! Every site has to have one..its like the crazy cousin you keep locked up in the back bedroom! Am glad to hear the good news brother David and hope you are having a good Saturday....
  4. Debi


    Oh boy...here is Miss Innocent Norme... stirring up trouble again.....
  5. Vent away Rick... Perhaps Dave can give suggestions to get on there.. Dave seems to be a walking infomercial for every site or event ... That's meant of course in a good way.. any attention to lung cancer is a good thing... If we give you 5 dollars Dave will you start mentioning this site in your travels? 5 dollars buys a lot of dog food .. in fact it will probably supply your dog for a year
  6. Hey, I agree with you Connie!! Seems like there are lots of posts on Iressa particularly, and if there was a separate forum it might be easier for people to find the answers they are looking for. Alot of the posts seem to be duplications because General fills up so quickly. And on a side note David, good thing you don't live by me. They haven't "found" food delivery yet and the only places that DO deliver are "pizza" places.
  7. Debi


    Thanks Cary! Having a chicken that I can boss around fulfills a lifelong dream. Welcome back!
  8. David, These were hysterical. This is one of the funniest things I have seen, especially the one with the wedding dress. I was honestly laughing out loud!!! Do you think someone actually spent that money on the dress or did it go that high as a joke??
  9. Debi

    In a peace now

    Berisa, I am so sorry to hear about your dad..I feel like I have known him from your posts. You have been the best daughter that anyone can wish for, and I am sure that your dad was a great man. I hope that you continue to find peace and that your memories will comfort you. We are all with you in spirit...
  10. Billie, Have a safe trip. Don't forget to check out the festival grounds while you're there!!
  11. Debi

    Happy Day

    Gail, I am so sorry that I missed this post!!! I have been on dial up for a few days and it didn't make for happy surfing. Congratulations on your special day! I am so glad that you are here, and on this board. Your input and advice always means so much to me and gives me the hope that one day I will be where you are.... Warm thoughts to you....
  12. Connie, Okay..I'm a bit late with the congratulations..I'm sorry!!! Happy 9 years and 1 day of being a SURVIVOR!!!
  13. Shirley, You have my permission to use my photo and I wish you all the best...
  14. Fay, I 'm glad they got your eye fixed up! Buy whoa woman..you must have nerves of steel!!! Talk about staring down a needle coming straight toward your eye. You are a true warrior!!!
  15. Debi

    My Beloved

    Peg, Am so sorry for the loss of Bill... I hope that you gain a small comfort knowing that our thoughts are there with you and your daughter....
  16. Congratulations on the 11 months of no smoking!! I remember sitting in a new dentist's office 3 months after my surgery and actually having to check cancer on the form I was filling out. Screwed me up for the day- it hit me like a sledgehammer for the first time that things weren't going to be the same.. I also know what you are saying about the job...I just got a note from my doctor that I can't work extended shifts during peak periods. I have to work anywhere up to 19 days straight, 10 to 12 hours a day during those periods and my immune system seems to wear down. The last 2 peak periods, I ended up with bronchitis directly afterward. It was extremely difficult for me to ask my doctor for the note... it is hard for me to admit that I am different, to both myself and others. My boss had told me to get it the first holiday period, just in case, and I was stubborn and wouldnt because I didnt want to single myself out or show any "weakness". Another thing I noticed, is now that I have days where I may not remember non stop that I have had cancer ...it kind of slaps me harder when I do remember and then I have to adjust all over again.......
  17. Peggy, Sounds like a special day... your joy came bursting through your post! Wishing you and your husband many more happy days ahead....
  18. David, Am glad that you are feeling better... welcome home!!
  19. Debi


    In reading some of the posts the last few days, I couldnt help but wonder how everyone shares their diagnoses with their coworkers, etc... When I was first diagnosed with possible lung cancer, I didn't share it with people at work, except for a few close friends. When I went in for surgery, I did tell quite a few people what was going on, but I downplayed it as much as I could. I told them because I was going to be out of work for awhile and I knew that they needed to know something... Now that I'm almost a year out of surgery, alot of the people at work have come and gone and not everyone knows that I had lung cancer. In fact, a few weeks ago one of the employees was rubbing my shoulders and she kept telling me that I needed to take a deep breath and when I did, she said I wasn't breathing deep enough. I really see no need to be "in your face" with people and to tell her, well, thats because I have 2/3 of my lung gone! I don't want to do the shock value thing and there is no easy way to tell people sometimes. Honestly, I use humor the most to get the message out there. I guess my cancer is a private thing for me and one that I don't care to share with everyone. In fact, I went to one Relay for Life meeting since my job is very active with it, and I was mortified. When I went in, someone told them I was a Survivor so I had to stand up during introductions and everyone applauded and smiled. Also, I found out the local Cancer Society gives you free basketball game tickets if you have cancer. I find something wierd with that, maybe I am not looking at things right, but I just don't get why they would give me free tickets because I'm unlucky enough to have cancer. There are alot of other diseases that aren't too pretty..do they get free tickets?? And if I were to go to the game, do I have to stand there too?? I didn't sign up to be some poster child for cancer!! I don't want to be applauded for saving myself... who wouldn't do whatever they could to live?? Its not like I ran into a building and saved a bunch of kids. I am saving my own *ss...thank you very much.. I will applaud myself....yeah me!! Whew...didn't know that this is where my post was going ! I actually am so on the fence about sharing the fact that people can have lung cancer and live AND keeping my private space. Although I had never written about the Relay for Life luncheon, it really bothered me. I felt like a circus freak, being stared at by everyone while they all patted themselves on the back. I apologize if I am sounding rather warped... I am not sure why I feel the way that I do, just that I do and am throwing it all out there. I don't want to offend anyone....and hope that I havent.. Does anyone out there feel some of the same things or am I actually a circus freak after all? And do you feel that you need to tell everyone about your cancer or do you find the need to keep it close?
  20. Bruce, I'm a bit late but congratulations!!! Good to hear everything is looking okay!!
  21. Lisa, I know I know, I feel your pain!! I drive myself crazy every time I try to put a new pic on! No suggestions other than emailing the pic to Rick, I know he never has a problem with putting it on for you. Sorry, I can't help, but I just wanted to let you know I relate to the frustration!!!
  22. David, Congratulations on the 2 year mark!! Who would have known, huh? There was a time when I could not imagine life without cigarettes. I haven't gotten to the point where I am militant, but at least I can get through each day - sometimes an hour at a time- but I get through it!
  23. Debi

    Lucie's Good Scans

    YEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWWWWWW Lucie is amazing! You guys rock!!! Tell Lucie to start catalog shopping for her Scotland wardrobe!!!!
  24. Go Frank Go!!!!!!!!!!! What GREAT news!!! Maybe now you can go and sign up for that typing class!!
  25. Hey, I concur!!! Its a good thing it doesn't take US that long to get dressed, we wouldn't be able to leave the house!!! We are waitinggggggggggggg David!!! Tap Tap Tap
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