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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Hi Jess,it sounds like your mom and you have the right attitude. Try to take it a day at a time. My prayers for a successful treatment.
  2. Im sorry to hear about your wife. You will find some long term survivors here who will be able to help you. Never give up hope and be careful of whay you read on the internet. Much of it is outdated or just plain false. My prayers are with you and your wife for a successful treatment.
  3. Its winter in Nebraska And the gentle breezes blow Seventy miles an hour At thirty five below Oh,how I love Nebraska When the snow's up to your butt You take a breath of Winter And your nose gets frozen shut Yes,the weather here is wonderful So I quess I"ll hang around I could never leave Nebraska I'm frozen to the ground
  4. Thanks for the update Melanie. We will all be there with you in spirit!
  5. Judy I am so sorry about your friend Frank. I know in life we can't have our highs without the lows but sometimes those lows are a real bit-h.
  6. Hi everyone,16 degrees here which isnt bad for Nebraska but it sounds like we are in for another cold snap starting tommorrow, I have homing pigeons sitting on eggs which are about ready to hatch,I hope they dont freeze. I think what I dislike about winter the most is all the extra clothes. By time I put on sweatshirt and coat and stocking cap and mask I feel like the bubble boy. Have a hard time getting my seatbelt snapped. I see where Paul Harvey passed away this year so I would like to end this with(Good Day!)
  7. 13,000 WOW! I cant even begin to wrap my mind around that. Thanks for everything Katie. Your a sweetheart!
  8. Sending you a big Yappa Dappa Doo all the way from Nebraska!
  9. I to have heard cyberknife has worked well for many. I hope and pray the very best for you. You are truly a fighter. Go get em Barb!
  10. Great news Colleen! Thanks for sharing!
  11. Awesome Kasey! You are such a inspiration around here. Im so very happy for you.
  12. I just saw this post Jamie. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. From the heartland of Nebraska I wish for you all a Happy and Peaceful New Year!
  14. Michelle,For what it is worth,I suffered from panic attacks for many years. As I reflect upon it I now realize they started soon after the death of my little sister who died when I was around 15. Back then you never heard the word panic attack or disorder( Back before Oprah). I just thought I was crazy and always lived in fear when the next would occur. Finally I came across a book called Hope and Help for your Nerves by Dr. Clare Weeks. That book changed my life. For one thing I realized I was not crazy and that many people suffered from the same thing. You can still find the book in bookstores and maybe could be of help to you. I still get panic attacks from time to time but they dont immobilize me the way they used to. I think they come from a fear of losing control but hell I think alot of things. I hope you the best.
  15. Sorry about your scare Becky but glad the kids are allright. I also am a big believer in angels and saints.
  16. All this talk about Mondays lately has left me with the old Mamas and Papas song stuck in my brain. Monday,Monday Can't trust that day Monday,Monday Sometimes it just turns out that way Oh,Monday morning you gave me no warning Of what was to be Oh Monday,Monday How could you leave and not take me
  17. Hi Melanie and welcome. I am so sorry about your bad news. It must have come as quite a shock for someone your age. I am however so glad they caught it early and are able to perform surgery. Many are not given that option. I had my right lung removed 4 years ago last Aug. and just recieved my latest scan results and they were good. So hopefully they will get that bugger out of you and that will be the end of it. Surgery is not easy but you will recover faster than you think.My prayers are with you for a successful surgery and for you and your family's peace of mind.
  18. There was also a study done by the University of Madison Wisconsin that showed pomegranate juice slowed the growth of cancer in mice and shows promise for slowing lung cancer growth or preventing lung cancer comletely. If you go to the University of Madison Wisconsin and type in pomegranate juice in their search bar it gives the results of their test.
  19. BBrrrrrr! We been going thru a bad winter storm here the last few days. A lot of travel plans have been cancelled. Also many brass monkeys with no balls.
  20. Thats a great message Nick. Thanks
  21. I hope everyone here is able to have a very Happy Christmas and to be able to spend it with someone you love. You are all a bunch of caring and loving people and I wish you all the best. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  22. Hi everyone,our driveway and sidewalk finally cleared today of snow and now we are in another blizzard watch until Christmas morning. I hope my son makes it home from Kansas before the freezing drizzle starts. He works for the railroad and has some oddball hours. I dont know what is more scary,driving in a bad summer storm or driving in a bad winter storm. I have kind of a storm phobia so I hate being caught out on the hiway in either one.
  23. Hi Christie and welcome,I also was diagnosed stage 2b in 2005. I had surgery to remove my right lung followed by chemo. Yesterday I seen my oncologist for my scan results and was told a clean report. I hope and pray the best for you also.
  24. It got up to a whopping 38 degrees here today but it seemed much nicer with the sun out and no wind blowing. Coming back from Kearney from my onco visit a bald eagle flew very low right above our car. It was so awesome. This time of year we see quite a few of them in this area. I think if I was to be reincarnated I would want to come as an eagle or Raquel Welsh's lap dog but we all know that isnt going to happen.
  25. I am happy to say that my scan was Ned again. Thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts. He told me that my chances of a recurrence are now pretty small altho we have to hit the 5 year mark before he will say cured. He also said we have to watch for any new primary. I wasnt going to ask him what the stats were on that happening.Thanks again everyone for everything. Your a great bunch of people. Love and peace,Mike
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