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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. beatlemike


    I spoke to soon. I just seen a post by her in the grieving section.
  2. beatlemike


    Has anyone seen or heard anything of Mary Colleen? She used to be a regular here from Nebraska. Her husband has lc. I hope she and husband are doing fine.
  3. May peace and love be with you and your family. Im sure his love for others was also a reflection of his family.
  4. I am so sorry about your father. He was a good man wnd will be greatly missed!
  5. Do they allow dancing in this pub? Because I think there will be alot of folks doing the happy dance for you!
  6. You dont mention the consistency of concentricity.(Whats for supper?)
  7. Nice looking dog Ned! !Looks like Rosie brings you lots of enjoyment. My wife and I would be lost without our four legged kid.
  8. beatlemike

    NED Again !!

    SOUNDS GREAT KEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Maryanne, I hope you and Joel have a wonderful Christmas!
  10. Is anyone else's computer making a strange noise? Oh Im sorry,Its not my computer after all. Its my nuts chattering! Thats how cold it is here in Nebraska.
  11. Hi Peg and welcome. Im so sorry about the return of your husbands cancer. However there are some encourging sclc stories here for you. I would encourage you to click on the message board and go down and click on the sclc category and read the post by Don.I know your world must seem like it has been turned upside down right now but Im glad you found this place and I hope you find the answers and support you are looking for. My prayers go out for you and your husband.Dont lose hope!!
  12. I hope your Mother has good results!!!Surgery would be great even if they have to take the whole lung.Prayer said for your mom for good results!
  13. Hi Sandra and welcome. To my understanding it depends on the location of the lymph nodes if they can perform surgery or not. They removed 17 nodes from me along with my right lung and 2 of mine also were shown to be effected.It sounds like your Mom has a good chance of beating this. I hope and pray she does!
  14. Sounds like great news!!
  15. Sandra,Im so happy your son got the dog.Its one of the joys of growing up.
  16. Hi Sarah,Ever since I have had my surgery I get a pain in my upper left arm like someone has just punched me in the arm (like we used to do as kids) of course the worst things always come to mind. But nothing has ever showed up on my scans or xrays. Hopefully yours is nothing but I would at least call your oncos nurse and leave a message with her so they can decide if it should be checked out.
  17. Thats fantastic Donna. What a inspiration! Heres to 11 more and 11 more!
  18. Fantastic Jim!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. beatlemike


    Sorry about the news of your cousin but I am glad you are back and feeling better!
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