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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Hello Christy and welcome.Check out the sclc forum here and read the sticky by Don. It offers a lot of hope. My thoughts and prayers are with you both at this difficult time.
  2. Hi Sherri and welcome.My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. Check out the small cell forum and read the sticky by Don.
  3. Hi Robbie,sorry about what you are going thru.My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
  4. Welcome Pannelli,my thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time.
  5. beatlemike

    Hey Ry!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY RY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Each one differant.Wife says they need painted again. I dont think so.
  7. Grateful for my morning coffee and all the small things I sometimes to take for granted.
  8. welcome bob,I will add a prayer that all goes well for you.Go to the small cell forum here and read the sticky by Don.
  9. Allie,I am so sorry about the news of your mother.I know it comes as a great shock and almost overwhelming at first.There are many long term survivors here with sclc.I would reccommend you go to that forum and read the sticky by Don.It sounds good that they caught your moms at a limited stage.My prayers go out for your mother and you at this difficult time.Mike
  10. I hope and pray your father gets good scan results. Dont lose hope.
  11. I dont have any facts for you but I hope and pray for the best outcome for you.
  12. Sounds like your husband has a good attitude. I hope and pray the best for you both at this difficult time.
  13. In so very happy for you!!!!!!!!!
  14. My prayers are with you and your father Daydream.
  15. If possible take someone with you to hear the things you miss or forget. I will say a prayer that you get a good outcome Friday.
  16. beatlemike

    nodes shrinking

    Thats great news Neil.
  17. Hello Renate,About 12 years ago I had a kidney removed due to a annuyism(spellings off).In Aug.05 I had right lung removed followed by chemo. Mine was carboplatin and gemzar. As far as my remaining kidney went everything was fine and I have had no problems with it since.Just make sure your onco and surgeon are aware of you only having 1 kidney before your treatment.I am hoping and praying the very best for you.Mike
  18. I agree with Ry. You should be able to have it done at your local hospital or nearby.
  19. Welcome Laura,Prayers for you and your mother at this difficult time. Do not lose hope.
  20. hello Amieb and welcome. I have no advice but will say a prayer for your father and you. Try to take it a day at a time. Mike
  21. Welcome Pat.Prayer being said for your father in law.
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