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Everything posted by Barbb

  1. Barbb

    This long year

    Thank you to everyone for holding my hand through this long year, I don't think I would have made it without having this place to pour out my anguish. You are the most compassionate people I have ever "met". I don't post alot but I come here often. Barb
  2. Barbb

    Patti B update!

    Thanks Christine. Hoping Patti is feeling better soon and back online. Barb
  3. Thanks Ann!!! I am saving it for a "special" day:lol: Barb
  4. After spending an afternoon in town, I got home, unloaded the car and sat at my desk to check caller ID. My dog was barking at something in her, "check it out, mom" voice and staring right beside the living room door. Behind the fire extinguisher was a snake Fortunately I don't pick up after myself very often and there were a pair of gloves nearby. When I picked it up, it was whipping around,for some reason that was very intimidating even though it was no longer than 2 feet long. But just a garter snake. Creepy but not harmful. I have picked up baby ones to relocate or just mess with, but this was like picking up a huge snake. Not cool. And not "Just For Fun". A short time later I took my blood pressure and it was the lowest it's been in weeks!!!! Barb
  5. Thank you Randy. I do feel peace about this. I am going to do the google earth thing too Barb
  6. {{{{{Patti}}}}} I am so sorry to read this. You are so entitled to a good long whine, you are always so upbeat and fun, we are here for you. I can't believe your doctore said 6 weeks, how tempting to just follow him into that room and say, "I don't think so Doc". You took care of it yourself tho, good going. Barb
  7. This morning, our daughter and I took Rod's urn to the cemetary. It was time to have it out from behind the entertainment center. I emptied the ashes from the baggie they had stuffed into the urn.The bag was too large to get out of the urn so I had to fiddle with it with one hand to get it flipped upside down. It was really heavy, too. I got it emptied but put just the tiniest bit onto the part of the garden he always used for his veggies. (I planted my Rod Garden there this summer.) I thought the internment would be really hard, it was harder for Lacy. She felt like he was just "away" all this time but she said it made it final. We stayed in town to shop a little and have lunch. I'm glad that is done, it was time. Barb
  8. Barbb


    You and your neighbors are angels. She is blessed to have you. I hope he gets kicked out of there. No one needs that kind of people. Barb
  9. Barbb


    Add another friend who has been thinking of you all week. May you have peace. Barb
  10. Barbb

    A Personal Update

    Beth, It was so good to read your post:) It does give hope to those of us in our early months of loss to know life can go on and happiness can be found. I like a saying I recently heard, "There are different kinds of happy". And your news is wonderful happy! Congratulations and thanks for sharing. Barb
  11. Teri, Prayers for you and Mrs. Dickens today. You made a brave, loving choice. I'll be waiting, too, for your update. Barb
  12. Lillie, My heart just breaks reading your post. My husband's feet swelled like that the week before he left us. He would try to elevate, too, but he couldn't get comfortable. When hospice came out here and he got the hospital bed, the swelling went down and his feet were normal sized. Talk to your nurses, they know the things you want to ask and have the answers, the truth, for you. My heart to yours tonight. Barb
  13. Keeping you in my prayers, also. Barb
  14. I love the Stephanie Plum books, I've read every one. I just finished the latest from Lee Child. The character is Jack Reacher, a former Army MP. He wanders the country and always comes upon some one who needs help. They are really good. Barb
  15. Kasey, My bratty side asks, "did you ask your 'friends' to shave their heads so you would all look alike?" or were they "to vain" to do that to support you? When Rod's hair started falling out, it began with his ears so we thought that was fine. It didn't stop there, his beard was salt and pepper and the dark fell out and the light stayed. I thought that was strange. What would be the difference? Barb
  16. Barbb


    That is such a great anniversary!!! Barb
  17. The legend of Bo Bo Pelini doesn't read offenses. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants. Before Chuck Norris goes to sleep at night, he checks his closet for Bo Pelini. Bo Pelini once played 18 holes of golf using a 12 inch strip of rebar and a sun dried tomato. He shot a 54. Bo Pelini could kill Chuck Norris nine different ways with his headset and four different ways with his play chart. Bo Pelini sleeps with a night light. Not because he is afraid of the dark but because the dark is afraid of Bo. Bo Pelini doesn't fart, he detonates. Superman wears Bo Pelini pajamas to bed. Bo Pelini didn't hang the moon. He stared down an asteroid and it stopped in it's tracks. Bo Pelini's calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; no one fools Bo Pelini. Bo Pelini was originally cast as the main character in 24, but was replaced by the producers when he managed to kill every terrorist and save the day in 12 minutes and 37 seconds. Bo Pelini doesn't cut his grass, he dares it to grow. Bo Pelini used to beat the sh*t out of his shadow because it was following him to close. It now stands a safe 30 feet behind him. They say that Superman's only weakness is kryptonite. Bo Pelini laughs at Superman for having a weakness. Bo Pelini's dog is trained to pick up his own poop because Bo Pelini will not take sh*t from anyone Bo Pelini's wristwatch has no numbers on it. It just says, 'Time to kick *ss.'
  18. Randy, it did feel nice but when I returned to bed I left the hall light on!!! Barb
  19. As I sit here reading online, it seems like Rod will come to the kitchen any minute for a drink of water. He did that a lot all his life. Then I remember he won't be doing that but I "feel" him here, and hear little sounds like the sound our movement makes when moving around the house quietly in the night. I've never had this feeling for this long at a time. Does that make sense to you? Barb
  20. Sarah, I like your message for the day. I worked for obnoxious people and really wanted to quit. But I let them fire me then applied for unemployment. I haven't done everything I need to do to get it but it made the employers upset....hee hee hee. I, too, say mean people have unhappy lives. What a way to live. Best wishes for however you handle this. Barb
  21. Barbb


    I'm so sorry Lily, she sounds like a lovely lady. Barb
  22. Barbb

    Good bye to Dad

    I am so sorry to hear of the death of your dear dad. Barb
  23. Mine is .10. But the propane is $1.85/gal. I spent $1100 in Dec, Jan,Feb last year, this year will use the heat pump instead. Barb
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