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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Kathi: I am glad yo made it home. Now just try to relax and be there for your dad. It is really cool the whole family is there. And, you have my continued prayers. Don M
  2. You know, a gin and tonic sounds real good right now. Count me in. And here is to all of the fallen warriors. Don M
  3. Elaine: I am sorry you are having such a hard time getting your results. I got some resistance from the onco nurse when I tried ot get my results before the onco doc saw them. All I had to do was walk across the parking lot to my pcp's office and they gave me a copy immmediately. If I did not have the copperation from the pcp, I would have made a big stink at the onco office, but fortunately it was not necessary. I think the oncologist office should have a release form you could sign. I think you should evoke your rights at this point. Don M
  4. Hi Sue: it sounds like you are on a good track. Keep up the goood attitude and let the treatment whack the cancer. Don M
  5. Artloft; I hope you get home nurse care set up. My family used it for my brother. They would come in for a few hours each day. But all of us siblings took turns staying with my brother anyway. Having the home care nurse there, took a lot of pressure off us and we could focus on just being there to visit and support him. Don M
  6. Cindi: for an update, yours wasn't bad, not bad at all. I am glad you are feeling better. It sounds like you have found a comfortable space and rhythm for yourself. Don M
  7. Don M

    Sandy S NEWS!

    Have a speedy recovery Sandy Don M
  8. Beth: I think you will be doing it again in 3 weeks and then 3 weeks after that and then 3 weeks after that... etc. until something better comes along.. like a cure. Don M
  9. Don M

    Snowflake 3000

    Thanks for your 3000 Becky. I am sure you have helped a lot of people. For my part, I have enjoyed your often humorous posts. I think one has to find humor dealing with this stuff. Don M
  10. I am sorry to hear of your mom's bad news. I have never heard of perifosine. I suppose it is worth a try. you might ask her onco doc about using avasitn in combination with other drugs such as taxol and carboplatin. That is a new recipe too. It has had good results for others. Don M
  11. Joanie: Welcome back form you fun vacation and congratulations on your ned. Don M
  12. Don M

    nice to meet you

    Hi Bunny: congratulations on loading you beach pic. I hope your mom's surgery goes well. Don M
  13. Hi Suzzane: Welcome to the group. I use compazine for my nausea. I have not had a problem with my appetite. Don Wood suggested snacking in 2 hour intervals. I have heard that that is a good idea. Some people use high protein drinks too. One may have to be a little creative and use trial and error to find palatable foods. For a while I was taking codeine pills to suppress a cough . The cough has subsided and I rarely use them now. I was worried about getting a dependency and the onco doc said that in his practice, that is a very rare occurence. He told me to take them whenever I feel I need to and not to worry about it. If your dad is still having nausea, you should call the oncology nurse and talk to her about it. They can still help, even if he has not started treatment. Maybe he is allergic to the pills. Your pharmacist may be able to help too. I hope your dad's treatment whacks your dad's cancer big time. Don M
  14. I found out about my cancer by accident. I had a gall bladder scan, and part of my lower lung showed up and they thought it might have a nodule or an artifact. I came back for a chest ct a few months later, and a mass was found in my upper left lung. Looking back on it, I did have one symptom that could suggest a lung problem. I would several times a day have a spontaneous gasp and my pulmonologist said that was my brain telling my lungs, not enough air. Get more. So I would gasp. I doubt that this is an official symptom though. Don M
  15. Don M

    mike died

    Nancy: Please accept my condolences. Don M
  16. Kathi: Have a safe trip and you and your family have my prayers. Don M
  17. Don M


    Terri: I never had hoarseness or seepage. I had a lot of swelling that my body gradually abosorbed and eliminated. I gess i am glad I got rid of it that way instead of leaking all over the place. If I was leaking like your mom, I would want a more elaborate answer than "normal". I guess the tube can cause a sore throat for while. I seem to remember that now. Don M
  18. Hi Becky: I would like to welcome you too. that was a great story you wrote. Don M
  19. Bunny: I stayed with my separated spouse for 2 weeks after surgery. I would have had a hard time if I did not. I would think you should stay with her for a week minimum. Don M
  20. Have fun at the beach bunny. You all have my continued prayers. Don M
  21. Sue: I hope Mike gets his bearings back. It must be the drugs. I get the impression that pharmacist know more about drugs than doctors. Don M
  22. Sandy; you have my prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. I hope you have been enjoying your weekend. Don M
  23. Don M


    Peggy: I am glad it is a better day for you and that Don still has his sense of humor. You all have my prayers. Don M
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