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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I will do 5 more for today: 1. Health 2. Dr Barth (mom's onc) 3. Dr Deyan (my obgyn) 4. Dr McKenna (mom's thoracic surgeon) 5. Starbucks is right across the parking lot from my building at work
  2. Bumping this up. I think it is also in NSCLC forum. There is an e-mail address in the link and people are sending e-mails voicing their opinion that Iressa should be left on the market. I think it is a good idea if everyone has a second to send an e-mail (that is of course only if you think Iressa should stay). Personally, I have no experience with benefits of Iressa, but I have heard it do wonders for othres, so I am sending e-mails.
  3. Just brainstorming off the top of my head---Does the oncologist office know of the problem? Maybe they can make a loan of the medicine? Or how about contacting the Tarceva company about a payment plan option? Or possibly asking for samples from Tarceva company? Or taking out a loan from the bank? Or if this person has a generous employer, maybe getting a loan from them? It is terrible and heart breaking that people have to worry about paying for their medication. Whenever I hear people say "money isn't everything", I recently started to correct them and say "well that is not always true b/c sometimes cancer drugs cost so much, without the wealth, their is no health". And I wonder why I am starting to get nicknames such as "barrell of joy" and "sunshine" Anyway, if I think of any more ideas I will post.
  4. Hi. Just wondering how Dave was feeling this weekend. I haven't seen any posts by your family since Fri. I really hope he is feeling better and maybe you were out and about a bit. Sending love and prayers to the Chapmans--Dave, Karen, Faith and BeckyCW!
  5. Nancy, Welcome, but sorry you had to find us. Congrats on pulling yourself together to help your dad, that in itself is hard! I remember when my mom was first diagnosed I completely fell apart. You are going to find lots of daughters here in the same situation as you. Please keep us posted on your dad! Do you know what kind of lung cancer it is and if it is confined to the chest area? Is he going to get chemo also? I guess you will get more info once you see scans and reports, etc Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  6. 1. My husband 2. My parents 3. Friends I have made right here at LCSC 4. Living in a no snow zone 5. Tivo
  7. Betty I am so sorry about the pain Hopefully you will get good scans and the pain will be a distant memory
  8. Done also. I have heard so many IRESSA success stories, it clearly needs to stay on the market for those it helps
  9. Andrea

    Recipe update

    Becky--I think it makes you look like Darth Vader too, at least that is what my mom looked like this morning when I saw her with it on before they unhooked her Not sure how good she will do with the machine. Part of the problem is that she is so not into this sleep apnea thing. She only went for the test b/c the oncologist wanted it and we worship the ground he walks on so much that if he says jump, she says how high
  10. Peggy--praying for good scans and also stealing the term scanitis b/c I love it. We were out with friends tonight and Brian was telling people he is fleeing the country the end of March when my mom goes
  11. I have not decided if I am a believer in that stuff, but stories like you just describe make me believe it. I hope it brought you comfort!
  12. My mom used zofran and protonix
  13. Andrea

    Recipe update

    Ry--John was a good boy and sent me recipes yesterday Ginny---BRILLIANT. Like a Real Life Tips from Real Life Survivors, love it!!!!!!! So I had the sleep study, dont get the results till I see the dr, but I know I dont have severe sleep apnea b/c they wake you up if you have it to wear the machine. I am a kicker though they said, as if I didn't already know, poor Brian My mom---they had to wake her at 2:30 to give her the sleep apnea machine mask, so now she has to get one for at home to try it out. She was not too happy and I was like I think you have gone through much worse
  14. Andrea

    Recipe update

    I am going to sleep over night at a sleep study clinic tonight and my mom will be in the room next door b/c she too is getting a sleep study test. We are not looking forward to it. We prefer to sleep at home. This has nothing to do with LC or recipes, but it was an excuse to bumpity bump, bumpdy doo
  15. Sounds like a good plan Fay!! I like that you are cautious and if it gets worse will go to ER. Better to play it safe that way. Rest up and feel good b/c once Dave reaches remission status too , I was talking to Karen and hopefully the Chapmans will come visit us in California and we will all meet up It was determined that you live about an hour or two north of Aunt Becky.
  16. Fay did the doc call yet?
  17. Karen, What a sweet post! I never for a moment ever doubted who wonderful Dave is. All you have to do is look at his face to see what a kind caring great man he is! Dave--as the surgeon told my mom, they give chemo and make you very sick for awhile, but they only do that to hopefully make you better in the long run So hang in there!
  18. Shelly, I can only imagine the pain you are going through, I wish I had magic words to make it all go away. I know that this is giong to sound selfish since I have not yet suffered a great loss like so many of you, but I too find it hard to be my old self and I find that I am always on edge, I get jealous when I see people acting too happy and carefree, I don't understand why people complain over such petty things and get super upset over issues that are not important, etc. I am not sure why I am not my normal self, but I am not, and I too sometimes wonder if I ever will be, or if this is how i will remain forever. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel a little bit better soon!
  19. Sending lots of good thoughts your way!!! I hope your dad gets out soon and no more ER trips!
  20. Fay--ignore my question, sorry, I just went back and read all of your posts. I had a momentary brain lapse I will keep checking for more updates to see if you hear from the ULCA doc
  21. Fay--I am confused, is the gastro problem related to cancer treatment or seperate issue? I hope it is figured out fast!
  22. Good idea! When all of this treatment is done and everyone is in remission, how about the Champans and the Justakid family pack up and head to CA to Disneyland :)
  23. She is a beauty! Thanks for sharing
  24. Andrea


    Dave I am glad to see you posting!!!! Praying really hard the pain subsides. I can't wait to meet your sister!! Of course I would like to meet you and Karen and Faith too, but Becky is a bit more realistic logistically Hang in there and fight fight fight. Oh and take pain pills as much as you need to also
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