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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. That is like the one reality show my husband does not like, so we don't watch it (we watch a lot of tv as it is). However, I would love to take bets on Amazing Race, Apprentice, and Bachlerotte, my current reality addictions Well Amazing Race is over, it was a bad season, I hope next one is better
  2. I just called my mom and asked for her input b/c she too developed a sudden interest in the food ch annel. She cannot exactly articulate why, but she gave a laundry list of people she loved to watcn and I can't remember them all but she said Paula Dean, Rachel Rey and Bobby Flay who she says is the sexy one So her input is she has no idea why, but she too loves food channel, and never really watched before
  3. Sending lots of good thoughts for a good scan
  4. Stephanie, Good for you for organizing the walk! I want to do one in California, but am waiting to see if others want to help organize also. Maybe you can get soem LCSC involvement with your walk in addition to L ungegivity
  5. Beth, So glad first treatment is over! What is your schedule? WHen is next treatment? And when is rescanning? I hope for fungus. I am going to eat mushroom pizza on Fri in hopes of fungus for you (I think mushrooms are fungusy, or am I making that up, not sure).
  6. Sharyn, Sending lots and lots of prayers. As others said, remember, often times they suspicious areas on mamograms and it is nothing. My mom had a few of those calls, I remember them well. And it turned out not to be breast cancer.
  7. Andrea

    Recipe update

    Bumpity bump do la do, bumpity bump, do la do. Yup, singing out loud as I typed that. Brian looking at me like I REALLY lost it. He is probably thinking what are those fertility drugs doing to her I am getting recipes from the ladies at the obgyn. Yay! :)
  8. Andrea


    I have been and tried and it workred intially to take Benadryl before bed. After awhile it lost its effect. Also melatonin helps which is a natural vitamin, it is not a sleepng pill or anything.
  9. Hi. I am posting this in family members section instead of general because while everyone is welcome to partake in the poll, I am not the patient, so I cannot even compare my own fears/neurosis to what the patients are going through. (Hope that made sense ) My neurosis/fears hit an all time high lately, it may be b/c I am on a lot of medication for fertility. For instance, I shared this secret with someone earlier, I just realized today for the first time that one breast is slightly larger than the other and I got all scared, only to later find out that almost everyone has that and it is normal and I probably just never noticed My dr kind of chuckled today when I mentioned it, he said we just did a breast exam in Nov and most woman are a little uneven I said well I measured and it was like an inch See, crazy person at times. However, my boss said since I can laugh at my neurosis, it is not as bad. Anyway, my question is the roll of therapy in helping with fears.
  10. Andrea


    I was thrilled to see how good she looked. What an inspiration!
  11. June, Welcome. I am sorry you had to find us. My mom has the same goal as you, to see a grandchild. I am newly married also. Please tell your daugther that if she ever wants to come on line, there are a lot of daugthers on here such as myself. Your daugther also lives somewhat close by to me. Even if she does not want to post, but just e-mail, let me know and I will give you my contact info.
  12. Andrea

    Saw Surgeon

    Beth, That sounds like positive news. I hope Atlima knocks the heck out of it if it is cancer, but of course hope it is not. Are you considering going to a larger cancer center for a second opinion? I personally would research the world class top people, and call t hem just to see if they can help. Just a suggestion, like the surgeon said you are so young, aggressively they can knock it all out and you can go back to being a normal mom :)
  13. I dont have personal experience, but I have heard of people being able to feel the swelling, like swollen glands
  14. Oy vey, just wnat you dont need. Maybe it is just a fatty liver infiltrate like thjey joust found on me which is really common and no big deal? I hope it is not a met!
  15. Heidi, This is what my mom had: http://www.csmc.edu/1519.html It is the minimally invasive surgery. She was in and out of the hospital, Thurs to Sun and home walking around. Very minimal pain involved. She had her right upper lobe removed.
  16. Heidi, It makes perfect sense. Congrats on your mom's surgery!!! I believe the ribs are normal. With my mom he did it minimally invasive, no rib cracking necessary. But he did say that there was a possiblity once he went in he would have to crack. I am so excited for you! Remember I was saying how alike we are? My mom's surgery was March 4 a year ago!
  17. Shellie, I am glad your sister is done and hope she has a clear road to recovery! What happened to your friend's daguther who you said was sick? I hope she is well by now!
  18. Beth, Wow, I am sorry But still call surgeons, you can find the best in the country, and call the office and ask. You can read them the report or fax it and the worst they can say is they can't help. But it can't hurt just to try contacting as many experts as you can. And hopefully Altima will be your magic pill!!
  19. Lots of love going out to you Curtis
  20. I was puzzled about the weight thing with my mom, apparenly some pepole do gain weight frm treaments and surgery My mom did not gain, but she didn't really lose, she is fluffy to begin with, so we expected a loss She also has more shortness of breath and they said that is just normal. As for your hair, my mom has a chemo perm Her straight hair turned curly when it grew back She had only lost 1/2 of her hair, but what grew back is now curly. It is cute
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