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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Sandy, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Not long ago you seemed to be so positive and happy in your new relationship. Hang on to all those positive thoughts, take strength from the prayers being sent your way and take it one day at a time. Keep us posted God Bless, Sue
  2. Peggy, Take strength in knowing our prayers are with you , hubby and your son. God be with all of you. Love, Sue
  3. Don, It's really hard when our children are sick isn't it. I have a son nearly 33 and my baby is 24, but they are both my babies especially when they are sick. You can count on my prayers for you and your son. (((Hugs))), Sue
  4. Dean, Reading your posts is so inspirational. Your words are always a comfort. After I read your words, I feel better able to put things into perspective. May you continue to "find a little joy in each day" for a long time to come. God Bless you!!! Sue
  5. Cindi, I don't know what it is, but I would most definitely have it checked out. Sounds scary for sure. Sue
  6. Sharon, I just want you to know that you will be missed and the door will always open, here, for you. I wish you peace , comfort , and acceptance of your Dad's death. Sharon , I've read your posts and I know your Daddy loved/loves you very much. I believe he would want you to be happy because he is the happiest he has ever been. God be with you . Love, Sue
  7. Frank & Connie, Please know that our prayers are with you. Love, Sue and Mike
  8. On "The Path Less Traveled" Forum, Tess posted her mom's death on April 16th. For those of you that missed it, I wanted to let you know. Sue
  9. Charlie, This is absolutely fantastic news!!! Count on Mike and I being at that party your having . Just read this to Mike and he is grinning ear to ear... He's so happy for you. Go Alimta & Go Charlie D.!!! Hugs and Prayers, Sue
  10. Cindy, Sending prayers for a successful surgery. Love, Sue
  11. Ellen, Congratulations!!! I hope you and Len can do something to celebrate. I guess life is never the same after a cancer diagnosis, but we find our victories in different ways . God Bless you, Sue
  12. Jen, I wish I knew the right words to say. I feel anything I say can't adequately express how sad it makes me to see you feeling so hopeless. Wish I could give you a big hug . Today is a new day and as many others have said, time helps. The initial shock is hard on many until they come to grips with a new plan. I'm praying for your strength and healing. Know that you aren't alone. Let us know how you are.. We care. Love, Sue
  13. Stacey, I just want to welcome you to the family . We are glad you decided to come in and join us. I'm so sorry so many of your family members have had to know this horrible disease and that you are on the "watch and wait" merry-go-round. It must be very hard, but you have a lot of supportive people here to wait with you now. Thank you for sharing and I love the song. (((Hugs & Prayers))), Sue
  14. Janet , This news sounds very encouraging. Will be praying for those boating days ahead. Love , Sue
  15. Randi, My thoughts and prayers are with your family. I am so very sorry to hear this. Love, Sue
  16. Hi Everyone, I had posted on the 18th/19th on testtime/ result time about Mike's initial results and problems, but this is the story now. He went to the oncologist today for his report on the scans of April 18th after 6 Alimta treatments. The scans showed stable disease at this time He has been stable for quite some time, but they also showed pneumonitis. He says the pneumonitis is caused by chemotherapy. It's inflammation of the lung (he only has one). The hope is to reduce the inflammation, wihout leaving behind too much scarring, and be able to continue treatment later. Currently , he is on prednisone, was 60 mg this past week, will be 50 mg this next week and 40 mg for the next 6 weeks after that. He is also on 24/7 oxygen. In just the first week, he is already showing improvement in his breathing. The response is expected to be slow. Otherwise, he is feeling pretty good. The next plan is for a scan of the chest on June 2nd to see how he is doing and evaluate the situation then. He will see the pulmonologist on the 2nd and on the 6th ( our 35th wedding anniversary), we will see the oncologist again. This all means a 2 month chemo break which Mike welcomes. He has had 5 different lines and it's time for a break. We thank God, he feels no pain anywhere and is showing improvement. I am asking for your prayers, please, for continued healing and no progress of disease so he can return to treatment in June. Thank you... Love and Prayers to all of you. Love, Sue
  17. Hugs and prayers for you and your family , Red. May God be with you. Love, Sue
  18. Frank, I know it must have been hard for you to post, but thanks for letting us know how you are. I'm so sorry you are having all these problems.. Take good care of yourself and know that I'm still praying for you.. (((Hugs))), Sue
  19. Paddy, I can't even begin to imagine how hard this must be. You really brought the tears to my eyes. Just know that David will be with you always. No one can take him away from you. I feel sure he is really proud of you now and he's happy to see you moving to be near your daughter's family. (((Hugs))), Sue
  20. Jen, I'm sorry your mom isn't doing well. Know that you have my prayers. (((Hugs))), Sue
  21. Peggy, You're right. I've had my eye on him too and have been a little concerned. Sure hope he is ok. Frank , wherever you are, know that you are in my prayers ... Sue
  22. Ms Peggy, I'm sorry I missed this yesterday , but I want you to know that you and your family are in my prayers every day. I can really feel that you are stressed out and you need some Peggy time. We don't want to hear that you are ill. Peggy, you are loved ,here, and many prayers are on their way. Take some time to rest and let God do his work. Love you... Sue
  23. Melanie, This must be so scary. I can't begin to imagine it. Just know that there are many of us out here pulling for you. Don't forget that, Ok? Lots of prayers coming your way. Love, Sue
  24. Denise, I sure don't know the answers to your questions, but the one thing that can't hurt is getting another opinion from another doctor. From what you are telling us, I would definitely go for it to give your Mom every chance to beat this . My prayers to you both. Sue
  25. Beth, I am so sorry to hear about all Bill has been through. I just want you to know that I, among many others, are praying that things aren't as bad as they seem. Thank you for sharing . I hope the two of you can gather strength from the prayers being said for you both. Love, Sue
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