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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Know that you have my prayers, as well. God Bless you, Sue
  2. Betty, I know you don't know me , but I feel I know you. Your picture , your support , your love and your prayers have given comfort to many throughout this site. Betty, I just can't find the words to express what I feel. Your display of courage in writing this post is incredible. Through tears and a broken heart, I pray for strength and even more courage to help you through the coming days. May God be with you now and always. Love, Sue
  3. I'm so sorry about your mom. Sending prayers... Sue
  4. Bill , First of all, you will be in my prayers for your surgery on Wednesday. As for recovery time, I think every case is different. It took 9 weeks for my husband to return to work after his pneumonectomy. He was driving slowly, but surely about 3 weeks before that. I don't remember restrictions , just he did things as he felt like it. He had to slowly build his strength with the breathing thing spirometer (sp) and walking if only around the yard until he go further. Driving was a little difficult at first due to the tenderness of his incision . The nutritionist told him eat "high carb" foods for energy for months and said it would be a year before he totally recovered. That was all pretty true. It's a gradual process , especially in the case of losing an entire lung. One last note, he will tell you that it wasn't as bad as he had expected. God Bless you, Sue
  5. Jan, Welcome to the group. I just want to let you know that you will be in my prayers for your surgery on Wednesday. My husband had his pneumonectomy (entire lung removed in April of 2001). He did very well through surgery and recovered well. It took time and patience to regain his strength, but his surgery was more extensive than yours. If I can make one recommendation, it would be to go with follow-up chemotherapy. It was offered after my husband's surgery, but he refused it. 3 years later he was diagnosed with stage IV cancer . Whether the chemotherapy would have prevented it or not, who is to say (even the oncologist said he couldn't say). He had followups by scans and xrays... The xrays didn't pick up the cancer and they were farther and farther apart as he got toward 3 years. Just push for a close follow up and pay attention to anything that doesn't seem right. It sounds like you are one of the lucky ones that stands a chance for cure and to be here for many years to come. God Bless you. Sue
  6. Cindi, I'll take a bud light please. To Maryanne, Happy Birthday!!! Your presence on this board is so very much needed and loved. Thanks for all your sharing about Joel's case and support to others. Have a woderful day!!! Love, Sue
  7. Beth, I asked Mike about the cramping and he says that now that you mention it, he has a bit of cramping in his hands every once in a while. He says he will go to write and his hand wants to freeze or something and he has to move it around. He has no idea why, but he is on prednisone and Alimta, but no beta blockers. Don't guess that helps much... Sue
  8. Tess, I am so very sorry . It just doesn't seem fair that you have had so much heartache and sorrow to bear. Know that you and your mom are in my prayers. Love, Sue
  9. Hi Starry, I just want to welcome you here and let you know that you can count on my prayers for you, your mom and your family. I hope you can find comfort from the supportive group of folks here. If you have specific questions, there is nearly always someone that has some experience with whatever you are experiencing . Know that you aren't alone. God Bless. Sue
  10. Hi Charlie, Wow, what an incredible day you had at chemo. Want you to know that Mike and I are praying for that Alimta to kick your cancer's butt. Wonderful news about your empty head. Woo Hoo!!! Keeping our eye on you Charlie and keeping you in our prayers, always. Sue and Mike
  11. Beth, Hang in there. Sure sounds like it could be due to medicine change. It doesn't sound like a step back. No one can take those good results from you. Hope your pulmonologist comes up with a quick fix so you can bask in some good news for a change. Let us know what he says. Praying for a quick fix. Sue
  12. Frank, I'm so sorry you have been through so much. You story gave me chills. That's scary stuff there Frank. Your next mission is to get well enough to make jokes about all this horrible stuff, as only you could do. Your warmhearted and caring presence has been missed on the board. It's good to see you back. Take care.. (((Hugs))) to you and your family, Sue
  13. Happy Birthday Cindi!!! Love, Sue
  14. Andrea, You have my prayers for you ,your mom and your family . Love, Sue
  15. Wonderful news Cindy. Congratulations. Sue
  16. Great one year post, Charlie D. You are sounding great and a real inspiration to all. Take care and God Bless. Hope to be celebrating many more with you. Sue
  17. Don & Lucie, I'm so sorry to hear about all these recent "bumps", but it sounds like things have been taken care of and are being taken care of. Prayers coming your way. Luv, Sue
  18. Here's to your 2 years and many many more, TAnn. All those kind things Cindi said about you are definitely true. Your kindness and compassion radiates from your posts. Enjoy your celebration . Luv, Sue
  19. Only the best for Cindi.... I will do my best to be here for part of the party. My daddy is having surgery for skin cancers that day, but ....I want to say ... Happy Birthday Cindi!!! We love you!!! luv , Sue
  20. Shelly, I am sooo sorry this has happened to you. It is truly a nightmare. I am totally at a loss for words . Just know that my prayers are with you, your fil, your husband and all of your family. God Bless you. (((Hugs))) Sue
  21. Cathy, Just last night, I was researching to see when you last posted and saw you had asked for a hall pass. Hope you were able to enjoy your daughter's wedding. I'm however so sorry to hear that the trial isn't working and especially to hear that you are in pain. I sure hope that you will soon feel better and that there will be a new plan for you. Heading to Cindi's to join you guys in those Texas sized Margarita's - never had one, but I'm game. Know that my prayers are with you. (((Hugs))), Sue
  22. Janet, Glad you checked in. No, you are not a wimp!!! Thank you so much for the update. Sorry you have had so much to deal with lately with your Dad. Congratulations to Ron for being a 1 year survivor.. Be sure to let us know how his appointment goes on Monday. In the meantime , I hope you can draw strength from the thoughts and prayers coming your way. God bless , Sue
  23. Beth, Is your mom for rent? There are times, I could use someone like her. Seriously, I'm so happy she was able to help you get results. I hope now you will get tests and treatment you need. As for the nebulizer, yes, yes , yes, they are wonderful. My hubby wouldn't miss a treatment. It really keeps those airways open. Just know, we are keeping you in our prayers. Am anxiously waiting for the results of your scans next week. I've got a good feeling about those results. Hang in there. Keep us posted. Hugs, Sue
  24. Thanks again for the update Patti, This site just isn't the same without Frank. Tell him to hurry home and give us a first hand story about the events outside his hospital window. As always, I'm sending Frank and your family our love and prayers . Love, Sue
  25. Lori, I can't offer advice. I just wanted to say how happy I am to hear your mom is doing better. Take care and know prayers are coming your way. Sue
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