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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Norme-Glad to read your post. I am so sorry for your loss. I believe it takes much longer to grieve than some people say. You my friend had your husband and best friend go on ahead and THAT is not going to be easy to just 'get past'. You just keep checkin in with us, you are precious to us and Him. Love Cindy
  2. YEP!! Let your oncologist know. If the fever gets above 100 be sure to call him then. If not at your Fri apt. let him know. Rad does work for weeks after treatments are done so you will be tired and yucky feeling for awhile. This to shall pass. Love ya, Cindy
  3. YOU are very brave!!!! It takes guts to do what you did. So many just stick with the first one and later regret it. We are in CHARGE. You go girl!! Cindy
  4. When I was on the second round of chemo and my hair started falling out I would sit outback-ironically the same spot where I brush the dog and cat at-anyway, I ran my hands thru my hair and globs would come out-I let it blow in the wind. I laughed about it. My family did not see the humor in it-oh well. Cindy
  5. Jen-I still cough after 1 1/2 yrs. The Dr said it was from the radiation. BUT you need to let him/her know! Coughing can be signs of other problems. How is everything else?? Love Cindy
  6. Maybe you should of asked him if his ins. company hates paying all HIS claims??? JERK. Cindy
  7. I get up with the family, work around the house-go do errands, start supper and then lay down in the early afternoon. Usually 1-3 hrs. It gets me thru til 11 or so at night. I think everyone has their own limitations and if you are not doing something then that alone can make you tired. Cindy
  8. Hi David!!! Congratulations on the race. You have won the hardest race many years ago-your cancer!! I noticed you had written Bob mc had joined the boards the same day you had -I looked back-so did I. I am number 10 he was #8 I think and you were right after that. Amazing we are still here. I miss Bob but I know he would so proud of you. Love Cindy
  9. UUUGGGHHH!!! You kids!! I would beat one of mine if they did not tell me!!!! Us mom's don't care about our measely cancer when it comes to our kids being sick. And you sound sick!! Tell them and get some treatment, go thru the ER if you have to! Love ya Cindy
  10. Hey!! Happy Anniversary!! I have not seen you lately on here-where is your pic?? Tom and I will celebrate 15 in NOV. Love Cindy
  11. I second Katie! I was in remission for 1 year getting CT's every 2 mos and well between those two months I had a new tumor pop up in my L lung the size of a baseball. 60 days and there it was, a new one. Push and call everyone and try to get her in sooner. Call everyday to see if there is a cancellation. Good Luck, Cindy
  12. I have not been on much the last few days. I am so sorry to hear this. God bless the family-All my love and prayers for strength for you all. Love Cindy
  13. I am so sorry for your loss- Love Cindy
  14. Thank you all sooooo much. I am really excited about this. 14 yrs of ICU/CCU and ER nursing and I am nervous about getting up in front of a room full of people still. My daughter Sam is still home and working and going to college. She still thinks the sun shines on jerkface!! Someday she will see him for the low life he really is! He is such a user, she just got paid and I KNOW she is helping him out! My other daughter Vicky (25) just broke it off with a boyfriend of almost 5 yrs and she is not doing too well. I just tell her if it is meant to be it will happen. Tom is nervous, he keeps looking on the internet for what increased liver enzymes can mean-of course it says he should have died last week! Sorry a joke. I know when you look up LC the stats are always so grave! so many on here are proof they are WRONG! Again thanks-maybe I can get off disability?? I have hated being on it. Love Cindy
  15. a chemo error could of been a very critical error. I can not believe the treatment you all recieved. List an area where you are from and maybe someone could suggest another place to get a second opinion FAST. Cindy
  16. Well it happened, I got the position at the local college as instructor for the CNA classes. I have to go to Springfield for a weeks traning-they pay for everything. I have not been away from home except a few overnights at the hospital-EVER!!! My classes will begin Oct the third week I think. Three nights a week til the semesters end. Wow me a teacher. As for Tom-His colonoscopy was fine. His liver enzymes tho are high and they have now checked them 3 times, each time they are higher. All the other bld work is good. Hepatitis panels all ok. He is to get a CT of the abd on Wed. Will have to wait. Thanks for all the prayers. Cindy
  17. Cindy RN


    I seem to get them often too. I have no idea if it was from the chemo in the past or not. I have read they can caused from being overtired, or not enough oxygen. Thorazine is one of the drugs used to get rid of them but it will make you sleepy. Someone in my small group bible study said she had heard if you say out loud " What color is a white horse." It would get rid of them, well I laughed it off, but I did try it and about 3 out of 4 times it worked. Goofy I know but thought I would pass it on. Cindy
  18. I kept watching that storm move on to FL.. I have waited to hear from our FL family. CAT--you have to be somewhere out there!! Let us know how you all are. Cindy
  19. KEEP AFTER them!! I know from past experience-with my mom, that if someone doesn't push the patients who are the quietest are the last ones seen. I am still a nurse but I know of a lot of poor nurses out there-some just so overworked but still the same -poor. Good luck! Cindy
  20. Cindy RN


    Lauri!!!!!!!!!!!! I have missed seeing your posts! So you moved, you were injured???? Whats up with that!! Cindy
  21. Cindy RN

    My mom...

    I just saw this and wanted to say how sorry I am. I was also with my mom when she oassed, a memory you will always remember. Love Cindy
  22. Cindy RN


    Ray-PLEASE let us know soon how it went. Love ya!! Cindy
  23. Prayers for a better next week. Cindy
  24. I am sure she was glad you were there with her. I was there with my mom when she passed. Love Cindy
  25. Yes they would test the fluid. If he has had radiation in that area that can cause a fluid to build up. Also ---cancer---can cause it. Now way to know for sure unless they drain it. Most thinking on this subject is if it is not causing a great problem leave it and do echocardiograms to moniter it. Draining it is done under anesthesia I believe but surgery is surgery and I DO NOT like it!! PM me if you have questions! Cindy
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