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all lymph nodes clear.


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FINIALLY a break. I don't even know how to react to good news since we never had any.

All the lymph nodes they removed from my sister are clear. Her entire left breast did contain cancer though. They said if it were even a few weeks later it could have gotten to the nodes but they were clear today.

the sad part was after they removed the bandages to change them, she saw...well the damage I guess you could call it. She cried allot. I could not come up with words other than, well the cancer is gone with the tata. I take her tomorrow to the plastic surgeon to have the expander inflated for the first time to start stretching out her muscles again.

wow good news is hard to accept, the bad news we just came to expect.

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GREAT NEWS! HALLELUJAH!! Understand (at least to some extent) your inability to feel joy. I sometimes feel like if I let down, something bad will happen. I'm reading a really good book--"When the Worst that can Happen Already Has." Take care and keep the faith!

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This is a break you both deserve, Shelly!! I'm so happy for you and your sis.

I hope Kate can mourn the loss of her breast....as that's what it is...and then look forward to a healthy future. To lose a part of her body is to grieve....but I hope her tears will help wash away the grief and from here on out that things go well for both of you!

I hope you'll get to where you expect GOOD news and good breaks, instead of the other way around!

Gentle hugs for Kate....and one for you, too! :wink: I'm so glad to see this update!

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Shellie and Katie

That is fantastic news! When you are used to having bad news all the time your brain doesn't know how to react to the shock of good news :wink:

I'm so happy for both of you!

My aunt had a mastectomy and it took time but she did get used to it and now she doesn't care, she is just happy she's alive :D


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I am very glad for you and your sister both that the cancer is gone.

Sure, disfigurement is very hard to take, I have personal experience with that from the loss of the collarbone and ribs, but....

one adjusts, with time.

About time the tide turned for you all...


Prayers always,


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I feel bad for your sister in having to lose a body part like that and the disfigurement, but I have a cousin (by marriage) who had her breast removed and reconstructed 2 years ago because they couldn't guarantee a lumpectomy would remove all the cancerous tissue, and she is very happy with the outcome.

I used to think that I would be devastated by a masectomy, a long time ago, but now, if I have another breast cancer bout, I wouldn't hesitate if that were the recommendation. Better to be cancer free than not and if getting something removed is going to accomplish that, then that's ok.

Positive part is that the cancer is GONE!!!!! And, isn't that great!!!!!


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All the lymph nodes they removed from my sister are clear. Her entire left breast did contain cancer though. They said if it were even a few weeks later it could have gotten to the nodes but they were clear today.


This is FABULOUS news!!! I know it seems bittersweet right now--seeing it IS a shock (even when it is not your own body) and the expanders stink--but clear lymph nodes!!!!!!!!. Invest in a good compression bra and keep everything clean/sterile.

PM me if you want. Just tell your sister that my mom made it through all this junk and is now traveling around Peru.

Clear lymph nodes!!!! :D:D:D

I am so happy for you and your sister---I am actually going to do a happy dance around the room!



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This is wonderful news, Shelly!!!

Having the expanders inflated isn't a big deal. They do it a little bit at a time over a long period of time. And depending upon the skill of the Reconstructive Surgeon, they can do things now that will make it extremely difficult for someone to tell that your sister has had breast reconstructive surgery.

I am so glad your sister did not have to face this alone, Shelly. Thank goodness she has you.

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Wonderful news. I hope you get use to good news for the rest of the ride. I am sure it is an emotional time for your sister. It would be for any woman...but the good news is that the cancer is gone....really gone.

I have two close friends that had breast cancer...each one a different kind and stage. Both are still here years later. They each had reconstuction and feel wonderful. I wish the same for your sister.


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