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My worst fears confirmed


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I know you must be scared out of your mind. I can certainly understand your feelings. What you must hold on to is that there are so many ways to treat Brain Mets now... successful treatments. You are young and vibrant and STRONG - We are all standing right here beside you and praying with you. May God give you the strength to push forward. Love, Sharon

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please don't give in to the fear. My mom beat all 6 of her brain mets. The 15 WBR treatments killed them dead. They are totally treatable and you will come out again on top. I just KNOW it.

please have the breakdown you are entitled to but only for today and tomorrow come out swinging.

this can and WILL be beat.

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Cheryl, this sucks BIG time. I hate it that you got this news, hate it that you are having to go through so much, and hate it that we all have to be here for support against this scourge called cancer.

But, try to dust yourself off and look where you've been and what you've done already - awesome! You can do what it takes to get through this, and we'll all be right here. If you need a phone number and want to call and talk, just PM me and you've got it.

Hang in there and take care of yourself. This is a big blow, I'm sure, but you CAN get through this. I just know you can.


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I am so sorry about this news. I know exactly how you are feeling right now. The news of brain mets has a different effect on us than other bad news I think because it is just so scary to deal with the brain. Did they tell you how many was "multiple"? I'm asking because when my dr. told me I had mets, he said there were 6, then when I had the MRI after WBR he would just say "multiple" without giving me a number, even though I asked.

Listen to all your friends here. It can be beat. Right now you are scared and unsure and that is to be expected. The one thing I know is that they will probably do WBR to attack the "multiple" lesions and then Gamma Knife or Stereotactic for the 5cm tumor. My doctors told me that you can have stereotactic after wbr to treat specific tumors, usually with good results. My problem is that none of mine are big enough to target.

Please Cheryl, feel free to pm me if you have any questions at all about the Whole Brain Radiation procedure or side effects. I will keep you in my prayers. We are in the fight together!


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Dear Cheryl,

I am SO sorry that you've gotten this bad news but SO sure you can beat this thing. You're nothing if not brave and determined, and you have the support of an awesome Jack and all of us here on the LCSC forum -- those mets don't have a chance. Hang in there, hang tough, zap the c__p out of them and get on to the vaccine. That'll "larn em"!

Am thinking of you and sending all the encouraging vibes I can muster across ciberspace and every other sort of space, all the way down there to you in Texas. Keep your chin up and get those mets down!



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Cheryl, I read this last night and couldn't even post anything, I was so devastated for you. But as others have said, YOU CAN DO THIS. Time to get those mets out of there and continue on the course you were headed for. If you weren't scared, I'd be worried about you! But you're one strong woman, and you have a passionate advocate in Jack, and we're all here holding your hand. I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers, and wish you all the very, very best.


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Dear Cheryl and Jack,

I am speechless as I know so many of us are. I hate that this is happening to you my friend. I hate this CRAP! :twisted::twisted:

Having said that, we do know that these CAN be ZAPPED! Cheryl, I feel those knots in your tummy my friend! Please know if you or Jack need an ear, you know where to call me. Maurie and I are here for you and Jack, you know that?! (((((((((CHERYL & JACK))))))))))))

We are all here for you on LCSC. Morning, noon and night! We have to look at this as a bump in the road, cause that's exactly what it is.

Love & Hugs,


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Hey Cheryl, I'm so sorry you have to deal with yet another hurdle!! You've have a positive attitude in the past and will find it again. Right now the fears are so new and fresh that your head is spinning. Let it spin, then realize that you're still the same strong Cheryl and will beat this beast. We're all here to pray, scream, cry, and beat the beast with you. What ever you need us to do, we'll be there!!!

Hugs and prayers to you and your family!!

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Oh Cheryl -

Great big (((((((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))))))) for you!

But like the others have pointed out, your doctor still has a plan, and THAT'S good.

Snowflake is right - kick, scream, cry - and then pull up them boots of yours and get ready to kick some butt!

Hugs and prayers,


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