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Lucie Update

Don Wood

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I'm glad Lucie is finished with the radiation. Those treatments are sure no "walk in the park." That fatigue may last awhile - it really took Steve some time to get back on his feet after it. Just tell her to hang in there - her energy will eventually get back to what it was. Sending lots of prayers for you both :D

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Hi Lucie,

Just wanted to say great that you are getting a break. Lord knows we all need that. I hope you are feeling stronger each day. Your church group Iam sure is a blessing to you and I am sure you are to them.

I don't know you that well as I am new here but you have answered all of my posts and for that I thank you and Don.


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I can appreciate Lucie's desire for a break. I know that when I start to feel better after a treatment it is like the first day that you feel well after the flu. I feel like that I am like everyone else instead of a human petri dish. Your wiritings show your dedication to each other which I am sure makes your travels along this life path a little easier.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom and lives with us. I will keep both of you in my prayers. I am wishing Lucie success with the new chemo. I have done two cycles with Alimta and have been able to tolerate it pretty well.


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Dear Don,

Sorry that Lucie's so tired after radiation but that is, as we all know too well, just to be expected. I hope that she enjoys her well-deserved break from treatment. It's so necessary for the spirit! And that the alimta does what it's supposed to.

Like everyone else on this board, I get inspired, and nourished, by the Don/Lucie updates.

Love to you both,


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Thanks for the update on Lucie Don. I am not surprized that she is tired, what with the treatments and all the good works she is involved in.What a courageous lady she is! You two are really an inspiration.

Enjoy the break and have a good time together. Lots of love, Paddy

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