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Prayers Please


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I am asking for prayers for my Gram. She has Adenocarcinoma IV with mets to liver, adrenal, vocal cord and I think maybe brain. She has chosen no treatment other than pain control and things are getting real tough. She is not eating anymore other than a little ensure. She was vomiting all day yesterday and is starting to get confused. She is also having alot of pain which the meds don't completely help. Please pray that the Good Lord will come and wrap his loving arms around my Gram and take her home. She is really starting to suffer and it is unbearable to watch. :cry: She is at peace with dying and just doesn't want to continue on like this. Please pray for her.

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I am sorry your Grandma is having a hard time. I know she doesn't want treatment but there are things they could give her to make her more comfortable. Maybe you could ask her doctor. I wish you all the best...and a good journey home for your grandmother.


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Thank you all. I will call the Onc mon morn to ask if he can give her something for the nausea and also if maybe the pain patch would be better for controlling her pain. We have not yet signed up with hospice as she doesn't want a stranger coming into her home. I think I will be relieved when they get involved as I will have someone to ask questions and stuff. Thank you all for your prayers.

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Thank you all. I will call the Onc mon morn to ask if he can give her something for the nausea and also if maybe the pain patch would be better for controlling her pain. We have not yet signed up with hospice as she doesn't want a stranger coming into her home. I think I will be relieved when they get involved as I will have someone to ask questions and stuff. Thank you all for your prayers.


The oncologist office should have someone on call for the weekend. See if you can call and get some phenegran ordered for her for the nausea.

It's available in suppositories as well as pills. It's possible that the confusion is from METS, but it's also possible that it's due to oxygen deprivation.

Another thing to consider- although she wants no one there- is she mentally capable of making that decision right now? I know that's a tough call to make for you, but you might need to consider whether she needs someone there even if she doesn't want them to be.

Call Hospice anyway- even if it's for your own benefit.

If the end is near, it can be made a lot more comfortable for her! Duragesic pain patches might be a consideration. They last 48-72 hours, and shouldn't add to her nausea.

Hugs and prayers

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I am so sorry you are going through this. I agree with everything ShadowRose wrote. Maybe Gram is not in the best mental state to be making any decisions... although I know you are trying to do exactly as she wishes, you may have to make some decisions on your own that you know will be to her benefit. I know once my Dad got very close to the end he was very confused... he didn't know if he was in a hospital, or at home...etc. Thank God he suffered no pain, but the confusion alone was heartbreaking so I can only imagine what you must be going through. Please know I am thinking of you and praying that God welcomes Gram soon and does not let her suffer anymore. Love, Sharon

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I am so sorry to hear about your Gram. My husband resisted "Hospice" too, and I am sorry in a way because I have heard so many good reports about it. I am sure it would help your Gram with her comfort and peace of mind and your families peace of mind too.

Prayer's coming for your Gram and all your family,

Love Paddy

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Thank you all for your replies and your prayers. I called the Oncs office this morning and they said since they didn't give her anything that would make her sick she would have to call her general doc. I was really upset about this but anyway I got her in to see her Gen doc and he gave her an antinausea liquid med and also the pain patch. He is calling hospice today so they should be in in the next couple of days. He said he can handle everything thru his office since she is not getting any treatments so I canceled her next onc appt and will just call the Gen doc if we need anything else but I imagine once hospice comes in they will help with things. Thank you all again.

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