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Beth...if that beer truck shows up tomorrow for any of us, we have a lot less time than four months!!!

Those are numbers. You're you. Like Cathy said, lots of people were given a short time frame and are still running around here many, many months beyond that time, and in worse shape than you, sweetie!

Take a little time to absorb that you are on a new track now with all this....and then attack it with your usual aplomb and good humor. We're here to help!

I know you've had a hard time thru all your tx....but you are here with your funny bone intact, and that tells me a lot. USE that, Beth....it will help you stick around for a lot longer than any doc might think!!

Sending strength your way....and lots of positive thoughts.

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Dr. David Gandara:http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/

Dr.David Carbone:http://cgi.photobooks.com/scripts/troll.cgi?dbase=vanmed&page=2&setsize=10&sqlnum=1&sqlsort=lastname%2C+firstname&lastname=carbone&section=Thoracic+Onoclogy&dept=The+Vanderbilt-Ingram+Cancer+Center&pict_id=0002420

I've had the pleasure of seeing Dr. David Gandara. He's wonderful. And I've known quite a few folks who have had Dr. Carbone as their Medical Oncologist and there were no negative comments made to me. Dr. Joan Schiller at the University of Wisconsin is someone I would have chosen had I known of her when I was first diagnosed.

You have a whole lot of 'cheerleaders' in the stands, Beth.

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Dear Beth

I am so sorry about your results. But remember that people like Sharon's Dad and Cary's Dad, and others, lived for 4 years plus after being diagnosed with stage IV. That leaves alot of time for new treatments and therapies to come down the pipeline!!!

I know you are devastated, but hang on to hope - it will get you through this!

Love Karen

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Oh Beth, Honey, I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this. I understand the need to ask the question about time etc but you have to remember all of those people on here that you know that have lived much longer than they "should" have according to those numbers you talked about. There has to be something out there to get this all under control. You are young and you must be very strong to have been through what you have already and still be working. Those are both in your favor. I have already said prayers for you and will continue to say them. I lit a candle at church for all of us last night and do that at least weekly. It just symbolizes the fact that we all need guidance to pick out treatments etc. Take a few days to recoup and get back in the ring with this monster and knock him out.


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Beth: I was saddened to read your bad news. I see that others have given you good suggestions for top notch cancer centers. I think it is perfectly ok for you to feel bad for a while. Just let it pass through you until you get your second wind and then keep on going. I have seen lots of good result posts for alitma. Maybe that would be your next teatment.

You have my best wishes and prayers.

Don M

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Courage, baby girl, you are one of the bravest people I know and you are young and strong. You have a good chance for a good match on a trial, you will find one. Just my opinion, it is probably good to quit the job, use all your energy to fight and also to enjoy your family and your life. I'll PM a bit more. Much love, Margaret xoxoxoxoxox

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Dear Beth,

I don't know what to say to you that hasn't already been said. You have touched the lives of so many people with your strength and wonderful sense of humor. We will all be praying for you, please let us know if there is anything else you need.

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I join everyone else in wishing you success with Alimta. You're going to fight this - you have so much support and love. You've seen so many of your friends on this board surviving and you will too.

We attended a funeral yesterday of a "healthy" 47 year old friend who died of an aneurysm on Sunday morning. He expected to be attending Ron's funeral. So, we just don't know - our friend enjoyed life to the fullest. He had no knowledge of what was going to happen. He didn't worry last week - he used his energy to enjoy life as usual. Ron is Stage IV is doing extremely well - 10+ months since official diagnosis - he says that he felt from day one he was going to live. His positive attitude has taken him to where he is today.

You've gotten a tremendous blow but you will rebound. God is listening.


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I want to say this in a way that will get you so pissed off, you will just do the opposite and get even with me.

ok, so what is your option, give up!, let cancer win, not fight the mother F-c-er that is knocking on your neighborhood door and saying hey I am gonna win.

NO NO NO, you say in your finest fake Bronx accent you can muster "hey cancer, Hey grim reaper F**K YOU. You can kiss my bald *ss cause your not gonna win. If you think you have the balls to fight me, BRING IT ON. I am allot tougher than you and I will meet you in hell before I roll over and let you win.

Now I am from NY so I can teach you the accent, but YOU my friend, have to take the step forward and step into the ring and fight because your life DOES depend on it.

remember Dave Grant. hmmm, he was given stage 4 mets everywhere news, ah,, he has clean scans last I read, he is still winning and golfing last I read.

YOU CAN DO THIS! we can't do it for you, but we can give you the encouragement you need.

please don't be mad for this post, i just want to rally you.

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Beth - Today is a new day and I hope things look a little brighter today than yesterday. The only help I can offer is to keep you informed on how the Alimta is treating me. I started it yesterday at Roswell Park so I will be about a week ahead of you. I will keep you posted. So far after 24 hours, nothing. Shineladysue (Husband Mike) is about three weeks ahead of me and has been fantastic in providing info on his condition. (Thanks again, Sue). So Miss Beth, you have been an inspiration to all of us with your tough approach to this crap, so KEEP THAT CHIN UP and together we can beat hell out of this monster. Prayers and best regards.


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I'm with Sue. I just don't know quite what to say. I can only imagine what you're feeling right now.

Your mom is a jewel. Glad she's there with you. I don't have a clue about trials, but these other folks sure do, and there just may be one out there with your name on it.

I can only be trite, and hand out cliches right now, but that's about all I know to do -- take care, hang in there -- that kinda stuff. But, I do mean it.


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While I hate the fact that your news is bad, I have to go along with everyone else and repeat, repeat, repeat -- there's hope. Let Alimta do its job, while you investigate the suggestions people are making. I know that our cancer centre works with Dana Farber and that they're tops, but so are the other places people have come up with. You have lots and lots of options. So kick back, take another xanax, forget the statistics and get yourself back into fighting spirit. If anyone can lick this thing, it's you.

We're all here behind you, pulling for you, so



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You know I am in your corner. I know that you had to ask the dr. the prognosis, but now that you have, throw that 4 months out the window!!!! I was diagnosed at stage IIIB/IV primary tumor in the right lung, malignant pleural effusion, hilar lymph node. They told me less than 1 year. I thought to myself, NO WAY!!!! I will AT LEAST double that. Well guess what? I am now almost 2 years, Stage IV with brain mets, numerous nodules in other lung, but I'm still here. And so are you.

If anyone is a fighter it is you, Beth. We are all here to help you and lift you through this terrible time and help you fight with all your might. I know how upset and scared you are. You wouldn't be human if you weren't. If there is anything, I mean anything that I can do please let me know.

Love and prayers,


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Oh Beth, I am so sorry to read this post. There are some really good sugesstions here. None better than what Heidi said NO GIVING UP AND STAY STRONG!!! The other piece of advice I can offer is try to stay positive. Tell yourself everyday your going to be this monster. Get on the net and check out all these suggestions. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know if you need anything.

Best Wishes,


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