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We met with the onc today to get results of the three tests (PET, CT and echo). The PET shows growth in the bone lesions, particularly the left hip. The PET lit up a 4 cm. liver tumor, but it is actually two tumors side by side, both about 2 cm. each. The pericardial effusion is stable, but the left atrium is dilated and some other left-sided things, and there is thickening of the pericardium.

Tarceva is out and Alimta is in. The onc wanted him to start next week, but he asked to wait for two weeks, so he got his B12 shot today, starts taking Folic Acid tonight, and Alimta starts June 10, with nausea meds and 8 mg. decadron the day before, day of, and day after. He's going to take the rest of his Tarceva - about a week.

The onc said we could do radiation on the hip if we wanted to, but doesn't like to give chemo and radiation at the same time if it can be avoided, so we're going to wait and see how he does. He's also having some mild discomfort in the area of one of the right chest wall tumors, but again, it's just mild discomfort.

Today was his last day of work after 32 years with the same company and a day of mixed emotions for both of us. Tears and cheers! :?

We've got some family things going on this weekend, so that will help cushion these blows. I just hate it that he has to do chemo again, but here's hoping it will be the magic bullet.

Everyone have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Love to all,


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I'm sorry that Tarceva wasn't the "magic bullet" and hoping Alimita will be the one. I can understand the mixed emotions of cheers and tears after all those years of working with the same company. Now your hubby will just have to take some time to relax and enjoy and de-stress once those darn chemos are finished ----

Have a good long weekend and as always my prayers continue for your family.

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The alimta is going to work for Don, Mike is on the mend and with Don retiring look at all the stuff that will get done around the house and maybe you two can do some fun things.

Don's internal fortitude has been amazing and will continue to carry him forward. Many prayers being said that this is the 'miracle' tx.

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I can feel those tears, cheers and fears. You, your hubby and your son have had a lot to deal with lately, but I know you will make the best of it. I hope you can enjoy the Memorial Day Weekend. It sounds like there will be a lot of changes ahead for you. Hope Alimta will be the ticket for hubby. There have been a lot of good reports from it. Know that my prayers are with you . God bless.

Love and Prayers,


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Dear Peggy,

I'm sorry the tests werent better. I know how you must be feeling. I am glad that he has stopped working and you can spend this time enjoying eachother and doing some things you'd like to do. This will be a huge ajustment to him and he will probably be bored a lot. Go for drives, go out to eat or just relax in the summer sun together. You're family is always in my prayers. I love you Girlfriend!

God bless you all,


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Hi Peggy,

I don't know how I missed your post. I was home all memorial weekend and posted replies. Sorry about that. I hope you had a nice holiday weekend. You guys deserve some deversion and good times.

I feel the altima will work for him.

Prayers going out to him for good results!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Peggy,

After one round of Alimta my husband's very stubborn liver tumor which responded to nothing is finally starting to shrink. The other good thing is that Alimta is not like harsher chemos and is very well tolerated. Jeffrey left work, had the chemo and then went back to work with no problem. I hope you have the same great results!



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