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Surgeon said nodules.

cindi o'h

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Saw the surgeon yesterday. I didn't get all gussied up.. I was too tired...so clean is the best I could do.

He wasn't his boyish little self yesterday either. In fact, all business and not too many boyish smiles.

He said the words "multiple/ clustered lung nodules".

This is the first I heard of this. I wish someone would give me a good case presentation right off the bat.

I decided to go ahead and have a re-scan next month to check for growth or shrinkage.

I don't want surgery and I sure as hell don't want chemo. My old body can't afford either on right now.

So for now, I am not doing either. Doesn't matter if I change my mind , though. That's stil possibe.

Cindi o'h

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Man Cindi, this sure came outta left field, didn't it? So....now "we" need to step back and look over this situation...possibly get a bit more info....

weigh options and go from there.

Sorry you had to hear those words. They are doing a number in my mind at the moment as well.

Try to stay calm and take your time before any final decisions are made.

I am thinking of you, Cindi, and hoping you get some clarification soon.



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I don't think I like that surgeon. Where did this come from? I feel like I've just been punched in the stomach. Can only try to imagine how you must feel. Wish I knew something educated or intelligent to say. Are you thinking of another opinion? Did he give you a reccomendation ? You know I'm praying for you Cindi. I'm so sorry. There's got to be a plan in there somewhere to treat this. Will be waiting for the fighting Cindi to appear next.

Love and Prayers,


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Hi Cind,

YUK, :( darn did not want to hear that. I guess if you want to wait and see if there is going to be any change, I could understand that. It is your decision. I will support anything you want to do.

Don't shut your feelings down like you did in the past. We are here, let us share in your not so good news along with the good ones.

Keep us posted on how you are handling this. I know feelings have a way of changing from day to day. Use us as a punching bag it you need too. Just don't keep those feelings bottled up inside. Not good...

Many prayers going out to you. Hopefully your next scan will be better news.



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Cindi, not what I wanted to hear, how are you doing? Did they tell you what this means? Can it be nothing? I hope, I hope, I hope.

You are a fighter no matter what - your sense of humor alone is going to help but the most important thing is that degree in mixology that you have.

Hang tough sweetie.

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oh, no... I am fine.. mentally, anyway. I have had lung cancer for a long time. It don't scare me no more! I am SuperWoman!!!

I am just hungering for more information. I mean, the only thing I can base my action or non-action on is information, and I really don't feel I have enough.

I wonder if the pangs that I have attributed to my liver are now the area of the lung. I wonder about the sudden sleepiness I feel now and the need for the pillow are from these clusters.. I wonder when the weight is going to drop off.

He said that whether we were to treat this "supposed lung cancer" now or a month from now would not make any or much difference. Like what does that mean? Either way my *ss is grass?

Anyway, I know that I should "feel" scared, but I don't. I feel cautious... I feel like I have to think this though. I feel like I can't afford a feeling right now. (detaching)

I feel like I need more information. Like a VATS?? and a biopsy? That would put an end to all this wondering wouldn't it?

Cindi o'h

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Darn, Darn and Double Darn! I was hoping for good news on the infiltrate thing. Seems to me they must still be small if he is letting you get scanned again in a few weeks. That's a good thing.

Just for the record, I've had "multiple nodules" in my left lung since diagnosis and they watch them w/every scan, but have remained pretty stable for the past 2 years. Something to think about, Cindi!


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I agree, Frank. Bud lites with my compadres (ya'll) right about now is the only way to go! That and chocolate donuts. Speaking of donuts...where is our British doughnut??? I am missing her and her e-Claire.

Bust out the booze wagon... this is a dusty trail that needs friendship. One should not have to do this alone.

Cindi o'h

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What up with this clustered nodule thingy? Where did this come from? Don't recall you having mentioned them before. You got enough on your plate. Hope and pray they can get to the bottom of it quickly.

In the meantime, keep the bar open. Kasey wants to buy me a more respectable drink than I'm used to, so Kasey, just a Labatts Blue Light. Thanks for keeping me straight.


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Like everyone else said, This is NOT what I wanted to hear either and I know its not what you wanted to hear. This will be a long month for you and all of us with you. I pray that it turns out to be nothing, but that word "cluster" is blowing my mind.

We need a party really soon. As long as you feel like it we will continue to meet at your bar...then if you don't feel like it you can go to bed while WE meet at your bar. :oops:

Prayers for you every day.


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