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An update from the horses mouth.


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Well, the wife snitched on me, which is, of course a wife's perogative so I figured I might as well update myself as best I can.

Two major problems now are extreme S.O.B. (we're talking take two steps and stitting down for 10 minutes ... and this on full oxygen), violent caughing that can go on for hours, and emotional upset like I've never had to deal with before (usually extreme sadness). Tomarrow is my hospice visit and I'm going to have to ask for help showering. Another thing I can no longer do for myself, along with making my own lunches and snacks and such. They are also bringing in a hospital bed to make my time in the living room more comfortable. I also have the hospice counseler comming over on wednesday.

I guess this is the much needed lesson in humility I've needed for so long. But it's really hard for me. I've been the independant, stubborn Norweigen all my life and I hate haveing to ask for a glass of water.

While I'm thingking about it, God bless and all my prayers to those of you who have to travell this journy without access to the pain meds that work so well for me. I don't have to ask if I could do it or not. I know I could not! Any little strength of spirit I may have left over is yours to use.

On the up side (yes, there is one) we've had a warm sunny spring and the birds in my back yard have just exploded in number! Jay's and finches and waxwings and warblers and you name it. Along with my fovorite: Bobble Head Bird! Bobble Head Bird is a purple finch that likes to sit on the top of the bird house/feeder, throw his head back, open his mouth as far as he can and just SING and SING and SING. Pretty soon his head starts doing that bob and weave thing birds do and he's still singing away! It's like he's saying "I'm the happiest bird in the WHOLE world and I want EVEYONE to know it!!!". Sometimes he'll be there for an hour or more. I love it.

Well, that's as much as I can do for now. I'm suprized I was able to write that much. I think it's the stength I draw from the folks here that alows me to do more than what I think I can.

God Bless all.


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I just moved to a townhouse developement with an 'association'. Bylaws say no 'standing' bird feeders. I joked that I have been looking for 'sitting' bird feeders - no way I was giving up my gold finches.

Thank heavens they don't enforce that rule and I now have my 1st thistle feeder attached to my deck. Waiting for a service berry tree to be planted so my dear birds have a place to flit to in between bites.

Dean, you have always made us stop and smell the roses (or listen to the birds sing). I wish you peace. I wish you joy each day. Having you as a cyber friend is my pleasure.

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Dean,I'm glad Gay snitched on you and we got to hear from you first hand Ha ha.

Connie and I very much enjoy watching the birds we have here too.This spring we are being visited by a pair of orioles that are beautiful to see and are seldom ever seen in this area.Also a pair of very pretty yellow (look like wild canarys only bigger-??)

I pray your home hospice keeps you pain free and provide you the ability of much more enjoyment of the things that bring you pleasure.You have given all of us so much inspiration and wisdom for so long.

For that I thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

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Dean...I hope Bobble Head Bird keeps singing for you, for a long, long time. :)

It's so good to hear your "voice". I'm sorry that you're finding some things to be getting more difficult for you....but even so, your spirit and joy in living each moment shines thru! As usual!

That purple finch ain't got nothin' on you, Dean Carl!! :wink:

Good thoughts coming your way....always.

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So glad to see your post. I too, love to see the birds. Here in the midwest we have Robins, Cardinals, Wrens, Sparrows, Blue Jays, and my favorite-Humming Birds. My feeders are on the back porch. They just hang there in mid-air and drink.

Wish you were out there on your scooter enjoying them.

Love Cindy

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I have always read you're posts as they have always inspired me as you're frankness has today. You have given to so many with you're widom and words. Thank you always for sharing them. I wish I could somehow take you're sadness away but as someone said before me we have to feel the sadness to know the joy. You my friend have been a joy and a sort of mentor to me and I am praying for you every day! God be with you.

God Bless you,


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As usual, you amaze me. Here you are having trouble of the worst kind and still you see the beauty of the world. I love you for helping me see it as well. I was glad to hear that you are not in pain. This depression is normal but I am glad you have an appointment with the hospice couselor. However, when I think about it, I bet you will teach them more than they will teach you.

You inspire all of us Dean. For that we are all very greatful. It is a pleasure to say that I have a cyber friend like you. Take care of yourself. I wish you peace and comfort and keep you in my prayers daily.


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I can't put my finger on exactly what it is but attitude and the way you write are certainly part of it. Whatever it is you have this almost unparalleled ability to lift the spirits. Prior to me joining this board I read every one of your posts just because they made me feel so good. Thanks for checking in.


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Thank you for the update and your reminder to us all to take the time to enjoy life's treasures. I feed birds too (much to my neighbor's chagrin) and love to hear them singing their songs of joy.

best wishes

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As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you know how much your posts calm and delight (the description of your bobble head bird paints such a beautiful picture)a persons soul.

Thank you and God Bless.

My words do not come easily like yours do ... I appologize.

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