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Let me hold your pork chop! (As I posted on another thread...say all your worries are represented by a pork chop. Let ME hold your pork chop for you! :wink: )

You just focus on those two kids of yours...and on yourself. I know it's not easy...but the fact that you can articulate things as you can, makes me know that indeed you WILL climb out of this hole. If you can SEE the top....you'll get to the top.

And we're here to help...to make you laugh...to give you a boost....to hold your pork chop, okay?

Hang in there.....

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Beth, just think of all of us as little shovels that are here to help you dig out of that big old hole. Bless your heart, Beth. You have been through so much and have dealt with everything better than most would have been able to do. Depression is a very hard thing to understand and deal with. I know, as I've been there. I know that your family understands what you are going through. I'm sending lots of hugs your way and saying prayers that things will be better soon.

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Dear Beth,

I really do know how hard this is. I can't imagine having a chemical depression on top of it all. Please don't put too much pressure on yourself to snap out of it alone. Your body has been through so many changes lately with surgery and medications.... You probably have the World's biggest imbalance on top of some really legitimate reasons to be upset. You may need to get some real chemical help to get your body back in whack and you may need to be really really easy on yourself. Pretend for a certain amount of time every day that it is your birthday and do only what you love to do. For example, for me it is :

1. a cup of starbucks

2. snuggling with my daughter and my cat

3. hot bath and/or shower as long as I want (no guilt)

4. watching movies under the covers with my coffee and if appropriate my daughter and cat....

Whatever it takes to make you happy for 5 minutes, then 10, 20... give it to yourself. You have been through a lot and you deserve it.

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Beth, honey. You are so brave and so strong. The fact that you feel so crappy and posted is testament to your will to survive and FEEL BETTER. you will, I know you will. hang in there, lean on us and your family, get medical help where you can and know that god is holding you.



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Life's pressures get to be too much for all of us at times and the depression hits.

I was dx with depression several years ago and although I keep it under control it did get much worse when the cancer dx came.

It takes time and lots of will power to over come depression. My thoughts are with you, you've come this far and the fact that you can see light at the end of the tunnel is a big step forwards.

As far as something to smile about, the kids are an excellent place to start.

Thinking of you,


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I've taken either Prozac or Zoloft for 15 years - was dx'd with bio-chemical depression in 1990 and hospitalized because doctor was convinced I might be suicidal. It saved my life. Have one off the meds several times over the years and within 6 weeks I was sliding back down no matter what was going on in my life.

You are absoloutely trying your hardest but it's not always a question of attitude and willpower. When I don't take my meds and I get depressed, I can't reason myself out of it - it's a physical/medical problem and you can't will it away any more than you can will away any other injury.

Get meds. They will lift the depression enough for you to take over the fight. Don't try to fix something as serious as depression without the right tools. You can always quit the meds later when things are going better for you.

Wishing you all the help you need to get back to being yourself again,


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Hi Beth,

So glad you posted and you seem to be taking meds to help you. That really is great news. You are fighting and I know in my heart that you will get better. That seems to be happening already.

You will get through this. I have a special candle lit just for you and prayers being sent daily.

May the light of healing encapulate your entire soul and bring you strength and hope that you despartely need.

It will happen Beth, I belive that with all my heart. You are starting to bounce back. We will get our Beth back!!


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Ya know Beth, I was just sitting here thinking about when I have my very down spout days or weeks or yes even months. :roll:

One thing I really TRY to do is I try to make an effort to offer support or help to others. This helps take the sadness and deprssion off of me a little. Even if it means making a phone call or two just to try and brighten someones elses day.

Now mind you, this may not work in your case, but it might just be worth a try. Maybe even post a supportive message here to someone on the board. I guess I just find helping others usually helps me more!

Best wishes,


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Dearest Beth.

continuing to pray for you and that your meds will soon kick in.

Please don't read the board. There is not so good news today. I know you well enough to know that you are sensitive to the pain of others and have a tendency to take that on yourself.

Now is the time to focus your energy on YOU getting better. I know how sick you are. And that you have nothing to give. That is perfectly fine by me. When we are sick, we let others care for us. When we are well, we care for others. Let us care for you, pray for you, and love you back to life.

Take care my sweet friend. And take good sweet care of yourself. You deserve it. If I were there, I would wrap you up and rock you in a big old rocking chair...there there there, I would whisper. Everything is going to be all right.

love you, beth

Cindi o'h

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Hey Beth!

I am so sorry you are having such a hard time with depression :( but with all you've been thru...who wouldn't!!

I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that while I don't post often, I have followed your story since Feb. and have been awestruck more times than I can say by your incredible bravery, and most of all, your wonderful sense of humor...it WILL come back! Even Hercules probably had to take a break from time to time, huh? So give yourself a break, and focus on the beauty in the faces, and hearts of your dear children...and KNOW that you have helped to pull others out of similar holes - let us help do the same for you!

Wishing you peace, and comfort, and praying for you always! (((Beth)))


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Beth, I haven't been on the boards much lately and am reading this late. But I want you to know I think of you every day and pray for you to get better and to enjoy life. I will step it up a bit, and sure hope you are finding more to smile about soon.



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Take heart, it is as soon as you find

yourself at the bottom of the hole that

you are getting better there is only one

way to get out and it is up.

You can do it and you will, time may be

long but with love and all the prayers going

your way the sun will soon shine again.



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It is a new day and we are renewing prayer for you, honey.

I was thinking: If you are not at the bottom of the hole there is no footing.

Now that you have reached the bottom you can plant your feet and move up.

We are with you and we care.


pat and Brian

Hugs for hubby and kids..................

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