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CT today and The Game Plan


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I LOVE to see that AddieTude!

It sounds like you feel like this is Doable, Addie, and I'm so glad. I wish it wasn't something that you had to Do... but if it is, with our prayers and good thoughts and support we'll DO it along with you.

(oof that's a lot of do-doing... hmmm... I better clean that up).


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Addie great new's as we just went through the same nerve wracking time our selve's. I was surprised they can radiate as i was under the impression you could only do it once. Let me leave you with these word's PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSING'S FLOW....

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pub's open!

Addie, you order anything and everything you want...you are safe with me!

Geez, I just saw this post..

I woulda help the chop too, Addie.

And so sorry you have been a wreck..funny how that sneaks up on ya. Sometimes I expect to be a wreck and I'm not and others I don't expect it and get blind-sided. You too, huh?

Great news about the stable gut. And treatment's in place for the noggin.

Girl, you can do this, I swear. We will all lift you up over the rough of it, if there is one.

Go ahead and chatter away on the roids..it's funny talk anyway.

love ya, Addie! Addietude. Or should I say Tootie now?

Cindi o'h

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Oh Addie...I'm so glad I waited to post and now I can post and rejoice in the good news. I'm so happy for you and hope the new 'roids help. As for that pork chop...I would never ever offer to hold on to it for you. Never trust me with it, I cannot be trusted with food. Bill is on the steroids and still he looses weight. The drs. ask every week...where is all this weight going Bill?...then they turn and look at me with my face down in shame. Nope...can't trust me with it but I would have happily offered!

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Been watching lots of TV lately since I've been under "house arrest" and this afternoon's movie was Coyote Ugly. In honor of your good news, I'm going to double dose on the pain medication and will be CLOGGING ON THE BAR tonight! I will not, under any circumstances, be flashing a belly ring to any of the patronage (first, I don't have one - or didn't before surgery...and second...ewwwwww! LOL)

So glad to read your results and knowing there's a plan in action. Bring on the music!

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I was talking about you to my husband today and telling him about your wonderful additude. Thank goodness it is back!!! I'll be at the bar with all the others celebrating your great news. Now, all we got to do is find you some pink, orange and yellow wigs. Might as well have some fun while you're at it.

Keeping you in my prayers.


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I like the good news Addie. I just went through 3 wks of WBR with Temodar...I'm very tired and my stomach's staying on the sour side...but I'm OK. The Temodar caused a drop in my O2 levels so I was only on it for 2 wks rather than 3. Those pills are also very very expensive. Email me anytime if you have any questions. Yesterday I started Carbo/Taxol for 4 mths so I'm not always game for the computer. I try to hop on at least every other day. Good luck to you Addie.

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