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Recipe book feedback price


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We had three options for the recipe book, soft cover, hard cover, or 3 ring binder. The 3 ring binder by far is the nicest (a little more expensive though) and that is what my mom and I decided on.

The book company suggests a selling price for $12 based on our number of recipes and 3 ring binder style. We have about 400 recipes.

What do yuo all think, is $12 a "fair" price?

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Yes, ma'am, $12. is a very reasonable price. Our town Welcome Wagon did a cook book....oh, 18-20 years ago. We chose the plastic spiral for the binding...and as I remember the charge was $10. then!

So $12. is quite reasonable. Thanks for all your hard work, Andrea.

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I just want it for Christmas at any price. :D I am looking forward to giving this to everyone on my list and cutting my shopping time way down. Should we preorder so you have a count of how many to order? I don't know about anyone else but I am getting so excited to see it.

Thanks Andrea and all the proof readers!


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Sounds like a good price to me. Can I be so bold as to ask how much LCSC will get of this $12? As far as shipping is concerned, does anyone have a good "shipping" connection? A lot of money made these days on Internet shopping, is by shipping at a much cheaper rate than is charged. Just my accounting 2 cents. Thanks Andrea!

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Good questions :)

Amount to order--200 is minimum. I was thinking of ordering 500. I am debating 600, but that could be excessive. Don't you all think? I could always get more if we need, or just sell the 500 for years ;)

Costs---I believe (having not yet placed the order so don't know if taxes apply, etc) the books will cost $5.40 each to print. LCSC will NOT be paying that, I will be doing it.

Profits---LCSC will get 100% of the profits. So if it costs $5.40 and we sell for $12, that is $6.60 per book.

Shipping--I will be adding shipping rate. I am researching on line prices of boxes and shipping to know how m uch

Pre-order--Once order is placed with the company, I will get coupons to accept pre-orders and pre-orders will be welcome for fastest shipping. I am about to set up a seperate bank account officially only for the cookbooks, and I also will set up a paypal account for those of you like me who hate to write checks :)

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I'm thinking of asking my cancer center and/or hospital gift shop if I can leave some cookbooks there on a consignment basis. Is this something feasible that we can do, do you think?

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Now I think these can ship the media rate Andrea and its much cheaper. Katie shipped those notebooks media rate and they were only $3 something -- and they weighed like 5 pounds each! I am going to need about 25 to 30 cookbooks:lol: . What can I say, its a big Christmas list--damn employees. Now if we could do a new book every year... :P

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Hey, RY...on the new book every year idea...MAYBE we can do a new "addition" to the book every year. If it's a three-ring binder, that should be pretty easy, right?

I know there's a kitchen party group that has seasonal recipe booklets...of course, all the recipes involve their kitchen items to prepare...LOL Can you imagine an LC cookbook like that, using all the junk we accumulate in the hospital, etc.? :roll:

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