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worst day yet


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Mom was taken back into the hospital at 10 am for what we thought was a problem with the feeding tube. they checked it and it was clear. So I was holding her hand until the came in with wheelhair to release her. she was looking at me and then it was like she left her body. She went into a full Grand mal Seizure. Completley gone out. Almost comatose for 45 minutes. Then she went into the state after seizure and stopped breathing. Took 5 people to get her breathing again.

I witnessed every single horrid moment. We don't know why it happened yet. Brain MRI again tomorrow. Last one was only 2 weeks ago.

Its happening too fast.

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(((((Shelly)))))))) these are as close to hugs as I can do on line. I know how hard this is to witness. I really do. Please take consolation in the knowledge that your presence is an absolute comfort to your Mother.

Wishing speedy answers that will provide your Mother and those who love her with whatever is needed to bring peace to you all.


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Dear Shelly,

I am so sorry that your Mother is going through this very rough time and that you have to witness all of this. I think it all sounds very frightening. I am praying for you and your Mother Shelly. I hope she is able to weather this storm quickly and get to go home again soon.

Love, Ada

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Shellie I am so sorry for you pain and the agony of this situation for you and for you Mom. She knows you are there and must certainly be comforted by your presence and unconditional love. You are in my thoughts and prayers Shellie...

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My Dear Friend Shelly,

I am sorry that your sweet mom has to go through all of this and I know it's very hard to watch. I too witnessed my mom go through some seizures and it was very frightening. They put her on dialatin to help control them. I think that it was a side effect from the radiation. After she did that I told the nurse and mom got mad at me for saying that. She didn't remember that happening and she thought I was telling lies about her.

I am still praying for you and your family. Please continue to keep us updated. There are many people here that really care about you and your mom.

Prayers and Hugs, Shelly

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Oh Shelly, how terrible it must be so have to see your wonderful mom so ill. I know that you must be a great comfort to her and she's blessed to have you and not to have to do this alone. Our prayers are with you for strength and for you mom for improved health.


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Oh Shellie,

My heart goes out to you and your mom. I am praying for you and her. Don't give up on faith, it is the one thing that is helping me now. I saw the pain in my mother as well, and I understand your question and feeling that he has given up. I was there too just a short time ago. I hope the scan will give you hope.


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shellie so soryy for the pain that your Mom and family are going through---wish that there was something I could say to make you feel better----


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Shelly, I can't even imagine how you are feeling right now. I'm thinking and pray for you and your family. I read an article last night in this months readers digest regarding near death experiences which is what it sounds like your mom just went through in that short time she stopped breathing. It was amazingly very comforting...it may give you some comfort in reading it. Take some small breaks from the hospital and go outside and take deep breaths and smell the air...it always helps me to collect myself and prevent panic attacks.

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i had experienced this same thing with my mom back in 1972. she was sitting right next to me at her home and we were talking. All of a sudden she went into a seizure. I ran and got a wash cloth, folded it and put it in the side of her mouth so she wouldn't swallow her tongue. That was the first sign of mets to the brain. From that point on i always had a wash cloth close by... Hope for the best for your mom....and you..... God Bless

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Shellie, I am so sorry that your mother must go through this, and that you and your family must, too. I hope that you find the strength that you need to get through this. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully, the more information the doctors can get, the more they can help your mother. Take care, we are here for you. Deb

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