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Getting to Know You - February 6


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What works for me is alone time. When I am hurting, or stressed, or really feeling any strong emotion, I am sort of like the dog that goes under the porch to lick their wounds.

Where some people talk about their "stuff" to their friends, I need to gather myself up in my own way, and talk to myself until I figure out how to deal with whatever it is. THEN I will talk about it later to others.

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Boy....I don't have a secret tip :? . I am still trying to figure this one out. Sooooooooo.....I am anxious to read what everyone ELSE does in the hopes I find something to work for me :roll: . Fred would be one happy camper if I had things here under control :wink: !


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Depending on the root of the stress it has a different reliever.

If it is something I really don't have control over anyway, like LC that is stressing me out, I get in the shower and feel the warm water run over me. And then I cry. I let the tears of frustration just roll out and I cry, scream and shout in the shower and I come out clean inside and out.

If it is ordinary stresses, well I seem to find most of those can be cured by either chocolate or ice cream. Or if really bad... both... :D If Keith comes home and sees me sitting on the couch with a big bowl of ice cream and a box of hostess, he knows I had a bad day.

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Umm well I can't say I am a person that handles stress well. I feel it immediately physically and I know that's not good. I usually take a xanax just to get my heart rate normal again and then try to figure out how to handle the problem.

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Guest akmaryann

I'm another one of those dog people. I have 2 Shih Tzus, they are my babies. During the time that my husband was diagnosed, going through his surgery and all that, my little Athena had 6 puppies. They got my mind off of everything. I could stand over those puppies and hours would just slip away. Now, the puppies are all in their new homes but the owners have become wonderful friends and my babies are now still my grandbabies.... It is another whole part of my life now that makes me smile!

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