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My wonderful Jim


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Dear friends:

This is the hardest thing I have ever had to write.

My beloved Jim passed away at 4 a.m. this morning, March 24. His pneumonia was just too much for his lungs to handle with his cancer.He fought the fight just as hard as he could for more than two years, and twenty years after quitting smoking.His last hours were peaceful and he was surrounded by his family holding his hands and telling him how much we loved him.I can't say enough for the ICU staff at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, who were so caring and supportive, and made sure he was not in pain. Jim touched the life and heart of everyone he met in some way. His wonderful spirit and sense of humor and his uncompromising ethics have been a model for his entire family as well as all the friends he made.He was the most loving and caring husband and father and grandfather, and his family was his most important priority.I have been so blessed to have had him as my partner for more than 20 years. He brought me the greatest joy I could have known and he will be deeply missed.We have not yet made arrangements of any kind but will let people know details later. I can tell you that his family does not want to focus on the immediate sadness of his loss, but would like to focus several weeks later on a celebration of his life so that we can remember all the positive and happy things.


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I have been checking in all morning , looking for an update from you. There aren't words to tell you how very sorry I am to hear that your "wonderful Jim" passed away. :cry: This news hits real close to home at this time in my life, only 3 weeks after Mike's passing. My thoughts and my prayers are with you and your family. God Bless.



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Sandy I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear sweet Jim.

I pray that God bless you and comfort you. That he wrap his warm and loving arms around you. May he shelter you from the pain and the turmoil of the days to come. I pray he dry your tears and warm your heart with blessings and memories of the gift that Jim was in your life.

I pray for your strength in the time ahead of you.

You are in my thoughts and in my heart, Keith and I send you all our love.

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I'm so truly sorry for your loss, Please except my condolences. The next few days,weeks even months are going to be difficult so take one day at a time, and surround yourself with your loved ones so you could support each other. :cry::cry: praying for your family!



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