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(((Kasey & Fred))),

I am so very sorry. I was shocked to read this. I had written you email yesterday and I never got back over here to read this. I am hanging on to Don's words and you should too. "molehill"...I know Don will be ready to help. Praying for you ...

Love and Prayers,


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Damn Kasey. I am so sorry this was the news. Thank God you have each other for support. You are lucky in one way bc you will know how the other one feels and can talk about fears and things that other caregivers may have no clue about. Just trying to find the silver lining. I have no doubt Fred can kick this cancer's butt with your support and love.

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(((((((((((((((Kasey and Fred))))))))))))))))))

Sending lots of love and good, positive thoughts your way. Don wood is a very good friend for Fred to have right now. His words are so very true. My Dad had PC and was able to beat it. Please know that I am saying prayers for both of you!

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Dang it Kasey, I am sooo sorry to hear this. :( Not a doubt in my mind that Fred will beat this, I just wish this was something you both did not have to deal with. Whine all you want (or WINE all you want) you have the right too, and that's why we are hear...to listen.

I'm battling those pesky little rabbits here too, only mine make me say bad words instead of whine. :roll: Speaking of molehills, we have those too! All the critters live in our yard.

Try to enjoy your visit with your friends. Praying for a quick NED for Fred.


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Okay Kasey, it'e been two days and hopefully you're you've gotten your head around this a little more.

Don is right, it's not LC. I had to remember that back in March and it turned out to be right on the money.

You and I were VERY sick with our LC but if Fred's like Richard he's feeling in top form physically right now. and again, if he's like Richard he'll be back there again very quickly after his tx.

Someone told me after Richard's dx that if a man has to get cancer let it be in the prostate.........remember it's VERY curable.

We're here at the other end of the phone, just call.



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I am so sorry to read your news but have no doubt that you and Fred will once again kick cancer's butt. It should know better by now than to try to take up residence in your house.

Regardless, my thoughts are with both of you-

Oh, and maybe its time to feed the rabbits?? :wink:

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Damn Kasey, I was really in shock when I just read your post. I could imagine how devestigated your both were to actually hear those dreaded words.

But I know in my heart that your Fred will beat this. With you by his side that makes for the best team. I know you will keep his spirits up just like he kept yours. You guys are so special and share such a special bond.

Prayers sent to both of you.

I am so sorry for this lastest mishap.


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That's really a drag about Fred's news. But, given the fantastic survival rates of prostate cancer, you both should have every reason to expect that this is going to be ok. It's just that you hate to see anyone have to go through cancer treatments. Please keep us updated, and know that you, Fred, and your beloved pooch are in my thoughts.

Watch and wait, grrrr. I know how unnerving that is. :x


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I was so very upset to read about Fred. The positive side of this is that it seems to have been caught early and as Donna said there is a very good cure rate for this type of cancer. You and Fred are certainly in my heart and prayers.

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