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I'm trying to contain myself.....

beat it

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My MIL has her 2nd Chemo today and they did a chest xray.

The Onc has confirmed (by the chest xray) that the primary site of the cancer is no longer visable. He said "It's gone"!!!! And the pluera involvment is showing noticeable reduction!!!

She is taking Carbo/axol/Avastin and has had 11 MEGA dose vitamin injections of Vitamin C and other vitamins. First Dx is Stage 4 NSCLC. Hopeful to see that change at the next CT!!

I wanted to share with you all since I grumble and seek comfort here so often. And well because I am having trouble staying in my own skin here at work today!!

BEAT IT!!!!!!!!!

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WWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and a huge Hip hip huuuuurrrrraaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!For ya today. Gotta clear tehr oom and do the happy happy joy joy dance foor ya today. Makes it worthwhile today :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D:D:D:D:D

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