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Bad News Day


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Hi friends..

Da__ my instincts. Like Jay who felt sure that he had mets to the brain, so do I. And to one adrenal gland, bone and possibly lymph node. We will be doing whole head radiation/gamma knife and right after that will start on chemo. He mentioned he would probably go with taxotere /cisplatin.

So there you go, I am joining you all in your world of drips, anti-nausea medication, ports, nutritional supplements etc etc.

Not happy to be here AT ALL but happy to know I have you all to fall back on and am truly blessed for that.

P.S. I have two small lesions to the brain..

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Hi Francine,

Very sorry to hear about the news. I will be praying for you. I know you will get thru this. You are strong women. Take care and God Bless.


My 2-cents in battling cancer: Stay positive and focused. Never give up, never give in. Take one-step and one day at a time. Enjoy life to it’s fullest. Lots of laughing and yes even crying. It rejuvenates the body.

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I am so very sorry to hear about your news, but your determination to fight this disease will see you through. You don't deserve this disease, none of us do. You have been such a support to everyone on this board, let us do the same for you whenver you need us.



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I'm so very very sorry to hear about your bad news, but keep an upper chin and I wish you the best of luck... My prayers are very much with you and with everyone thats dealing with this horrible disease!!! Good Luck!! I will be thinking about you and keep us posted!


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Francine so sorry to hear your bad news---but as they were small , you have an excellent chance of zapping those brain mets---

hoping you fly through your treatments



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Hey Francine,


It sounds like you have a good plan.

Hang tough, take it one day at a time.

Remember, with God all things are possible.

All the supporting prayers you have coming your way

should set this on a strong and steady course of healing.



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Ginny and I were at the same "Ask the Doctor" session on Saturday and I concur with her -- he said there are SEVERAL new treatments coming out very soon to add to our arsenal and how much progress has truly been made in the past few years (too recent to be reflected in those so called "statistics"). . .

You can and will beat this thing!

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Francine, So sorry to hear the bad news but hang in there. Don't give up! I have a friend who didn't know he had nsclc until 3 spots were found in his brain. That was 3 years ago and he is cancer free according to the last tests. He had chemo and radiation so folks do beat stastistics and you can be one of them. God Bless

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