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If it's not one thing it's another. Rich broke his toe the other day and now he is in the hospital with an infection. They are going to keep an eye on it so it doesn't go to the bone and hopefully they will not have to remove the toe. I think this is a board record for bizarre things happening during lung cancer treatment. I know he will appreciate all your good thoughts and prayers that he kicks the infection.



Prayers for Rich and hope hes home and healthy soon!! Was just thinkin bout him also..


Well, lots or prayers for Rich and his broken toe!!! I agree, he is pushing it!! But we just all hope I am sure that he just gets back to healthy and happy! I am sure he has had quite enough! Get better Rich and that's an order!



I think we need to get a bubble and put Rich in it.........either that or wrap all his extremities in cotton wool before he can stub then, cut them, whatever!!

Hoping for a speedy recovery with all toes intact. Thanks for keeping us in the picture Rochelle,



Hey Rich........I'm hoping by now you have some better news to report than what Ry has shared. Sorry about the never-ending saga! Prayers and best wishes are being sent your way. Hope to see you check-in real soon.



Thanks Rochelle/Everyone for all your good thoughts and prayers. It certainly is bizarre things keep happening during my lung (go figure who would have thought six and a half years ago lung cancer would be the least of my problems) cancer treatment and yes might need a bubble or wrap all my extremities in cotton wool before I can stub then, cut them, whatever!! :roll:

Any, how, who-- home with my wife/daughter none the worse to wear. Will be having a visiting nurse come out to the house. Also had a CT Scan guided needle biopsy about two weeks ago on some specious lymph (possibly blocking blood flow in my lower right leg which is swollen and for lymphoma) nodes and so far have gotten back half the results and all is negative. Well that's about it for now on as "The Chemo Drips". :):lol::P

Again thanks Rochelle/Everyone for all your good thoughts and prayers. Take care and enjoy the holiday season,



Glad to hear your Home Rich!!!!!


Rich, I love it!! "As The Chemo Drips".

I'm thinking we could rip off your title and use it for a new topic section. Sort of like "reality tv" for us LC and Caregiver survivors. Whaduya think?

Glad you are home and feeling better.


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