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Hi friends,

I brought Bill home from the hospital today after 8 long days. I really think it was way too early for him to be released since he is still nauseated and not eating, and his legs are swollen to twice their normal size due to blood clots - but I think they were trying to clear out the cancer ward before the Easter weekend. Not sure if it was for the hospital staff's benefit or the patients - anyway HERE WE ARE......

I am glad to have him home but worried about his care. If things do not improve I will arrange for home health care next week.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.

Blessings to each and every one of you,


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After all of Chris' hospitalization's I've learned a few things, that yes they do clear out the floors for the holidays, they send people home when they just need beds and I'm sure other reasons. Thankfully we never had to go through that.

But I'm wondering why they didn't send him home with VNA as part of his discharge plan. I say that because since Chris had pnuemonia in July and then everything else, everytime he was discharged we had VNA. And I loved having a nurse some 2/3 times a week to check on him. Me? I was getting paranoid with every little thing and she was there to assure me on everything.

Now that Bill is home, I hope you can take a little breather from going to the hospital and enjoy each other's company waiting for the Easter Bunny


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Hope Bill is doing ok at home. I know it must be hard to guess what is best, or where is best. There was a couple of times I thought my mom should be in the hospital but she just didnt want to go and I worry that later on there may not be a choice :(

Hope you have a good Easter and thinking of you, Bill and everyone on the board :)


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The home health is definately a relief to have. Bill's appetite may improve by just being home and not having to eat hospital food. I hope you are taking care of yourself. Do not hesitate to take advantage of other people's help when they offer. I hope you have a blessed Easter.


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It's good to be together for the holiday....but hard on you to maintain Bill's care at a safe level. Do you have any medically trained relatives or close friends to aid you through the weekend?? I know it would be hard to set up VNA, etc. on the Sat. before Easter. Caring thoughts are coming your way Peg...Happy Holiday

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I have thought and worried about you so often this past week. I am sure that having Bill home is a mixed blessing. I know I was always glad to get Earl home but then nervous about what to look for, what to do etc.

I think a visiting nurse would be very helpful. Have you checked into that?

I hope you have a peaceful Easter. Maybe Bill has just be waiting for those yummy marshmallow chickens.


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Dear Peg - I am glad Bill is home for Easter - although I know it can be a little stressful for you. I agree with the others that just "being home" may make a world of difference in how he feels and his appetite. Enjoy the holiday together and Peg, please take care of yourself also. Love, Sharon

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I hope your first full day at home wasn't to filled with stress and that you are taking care of "yourself". I know truly know that's easier said than done.

Hope your family has a great Easter and you get a small time out!


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Hi Peggy,

I am sorry for the late post here. I was in the hospital and am trying to catch up on posting. I am sorry Bill is not doing well. I lift Bill up in special prayer. By His stripes, we are healed and we claim that healing for your Bill... In my thoughts. God Bless.

Blessings, prayers and hugs,


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