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Karen 335 update


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I just spoke to her husband, she is in the hospital. :( He said she was having oxygen deprivation and was in the hospital since Monday. THey are not sure why it happened, they put her on strong antibiotics and it looks like she will be coming home tomorrow.

I told her husband to let her know that everyone here is thinking of her. He asked me to post this to update everyone.

Karen--HURRY HOME!!!!!

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Can't wait for you to get home. We knew something was wrong. You will have to pin one of our phone number on Bob's shirt so he calls us immediately. It is not like you to not post.

Another person who hasn't posted is Carlton. His last post spoke of Iressa expenses. I e-mailed him but got no answer....

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Hi All,

Thanks for all your prayers. Just got home tonight from hospital. Was in there for one week. They ran every test I think there is on me and still couldn't find out what was causing the oxygen deprivation. I would go from 97 on Oxygen then to 79 without. They did blood cultures and put me on some pretty strong antibiotics. I am pretty tired right now, but I am doing good. I will post more tomorrow.

Andrea, thanks for calling Bob and updating everyone on the site. You guys are awesome and I will fill everyone in tomorrow...

Blessings and prayers,


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