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Happy 50th Birthday T-Bone!


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Happy Birthday, Big Brother!

And to the rest of you - I got an e-mail from TBone earlier today that he wasn't able to get on the site (and it took me several tries). I'm about to call him to let my little girls sing Happy Birthday - will be sure to tell him these messages are here.

We're planning a late party for him on July 4th - y'all come!!



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Thanks for all the Happy Birthdays.It will take me a while to catch up on all the posts I missed while on vacation and with this recent server problem.I have been thinking about all of you and praying for us all too.So nice to hear from you Bob.Glad you are well enough to post.I had my 6th taxotere session on Monday and it got me down and fatiqued more than it has been.I was so frustrated for a couple of days when I couldn't get on here.I am glad that the problem is fixed and I thank all of you that worked so hard to get it back up.TBone

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Gee, T-Bone!

You don't type a day over 42....

Happy belated 50th, and many, many more....

Glad the eyes are the first to go, aren't you, Cookieman? Hubby reached 50 a month before I met him - thank GOD he knows braille! :oops:



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