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An update and some thoughts...


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Hi, all.

Been a long few months in our household. Still living with the parents, but work on the new house is coming right along...the foundation is in, the septic system has been set and the pond dug and fill dirt spread.

We "adopted" a new baby girl. Her name is Cookie and she's the cutest little brown puppy I've ever had chew my fingers and neck and ears and hair... (owie)

Tests came back on my cognitive issues. I have a problem with visual memory...should be "fixable" with some therapy and relearning of skills - basically changing everything I do visually (like using the telephone) to verbal skills (working through a series of verbal cues instead of visual ones). Found out my IQ in the process...

Weddings are being planned (two), yardwork is up and coming (just getting a yard) and work has become quite the "bad place" as of late. I am dealing with "real life" stress right now that is reaching a pretty high level...and so:

I am going to be taking a break from the board. I am totally fed up with the negativity and nastiness from some people and am no longer going to subject myself to reading it. Having a different viewpoint or supporting someone with a different viewpoint should NOT result in a public bashing. I have never claimed to "know it all", just posted viewpoints that may differ (and ya know, even my "welcome" posts are different...hmmm).

I will still check my PMs and my email and I may post occasionally, but will not make it a point to be here as often as possible as it is doing ME no good. Remember, this is a battle I am fighting, too.

Please, play nice.


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Becky- I am really sorry to see you going, I hope you come back soon. You REALLY make a difference on this board, and I hope that sometimes it benefits you as well. It sounds like you have your plate full with work, home, weddings and just taking care of yourself. Wish I lived closer, I would help!

Take care, hope to see you back soon. Maybe with pictures of the new house. And maybe a picture of the cute little finger, ear and hair chewer. I am sure you will enjoy your new baby girl. I sometimes wonder what Scott and I would do without Sage (expecially Scott), he is an 80 pound Samoyed that LOVES his Daddy!

I will be praying for you!!!


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Ah, Beck....

This place is not the same when you're not around...but I understand the need to gain a little distance on the negativity. It's been a bit hard to digest lately.

Keep in touch...and I know spending some time with that new puppy will restore the smile to your face! :wink: Ain't nothing in the world quite like a kiss laced with puppy breath! :)

Hope to see you back soon with the well all refilled!

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Silly girl! You won't be able to stay away any more than I can. You will be reading and those itchy little fingers won't be able to stand it for long. That witty brain of yours (even if it needs a little re-working right now) is always going 100 m.p.h. and you've got too many ideas, thoughts, jokes and opinions.

Besides, how are we going to know how many times that cute little puppy poops on your new floors?

Seeya when you get back, sweetie!



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Well, Becky, apparently Peggy was right.... Hard to swallow, I know :D .

I just saw a brand new snowflake post!

No, really... take all the time you need. You need to worry about your battle foremost.

There's some irony to feeling assaulted on a support board. I was involved with that on both ends, as you know, and it sucks big time. David said a few of the things I was going to say so no sense repeating them. But try to remember that not everyone handles things the same way and try not to take it personally even when it is dished out as such. It really isn't personal--it's that this crappy disease plays with the mind--of caregivers and loved ones too.

Just want you to know you are loved.

PS. Apparently, David C said the things I was going to say-- somewhere other than on this thread. Probably on Luvmydog2's thread. Sheesh, my mind is having some issues of its own....


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Oh Becky,

I am so sorry that you are going through so much right now. You have been a constant source of laughter, support and friendship and I will miss you and your posts terribly.

I understand needing a break. The news of late has brought me down as well. Please recharge your batteries and come back when you are ready.

Good luck with the new puppy and the housebuilding.

Your Friend,


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Well come back and give me heck on my joke postings. If you do not I am going to load up the Just For Laughs forum with blonde jokes. I have started already.

Even the Just For Laughs form stirs up the negative crap.

Your opinion is always welcomed in this household.

Best of luck to you and your family getting settled in the new house.


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Becky, I PM'd you, but just wanted to post for all eyes to see...

I am a HUGE fan of your posts :oops: , and I know that Ry will go crazy if you skip out.

At the same time, I don't want to be selfish. So, take a break if you need to, but please come back to us soon. I, for one, appreciate your honesty and never felt you were cruel or anything, so I don't know why anyone would be cruel to you. You are such a huge part of this board, and have become a very strong link in the chain.

You're family, Snowflake, and I'll miss you, too. Deb

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Becky -

I too will miss your posts. You are honest and thought provoking and I LOVE your sense of humor. I could go on and on but wont because I hear my boss coming :shock: but did want to put my two cents in - you will be missed and please come back when you are ready. We will all be waiting

Much Love,


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Ba Ba Ba Becky

where you going chicky,

i will miss my smart a_ _ partner.

I am a little confused about whats going on lately because honestly I have been off the board more than on lately due to spending time with my sister and taking care of my parents estate issues.

BUT, I will miss ya becky, please don't staw away long, I am gearing up for all the gross humor I can for the fall when I am trapped inside again.

Ba Ba Becky, where the hecky are you goin treckiinnnnn

sorry that didn't rhyme, i am not a poet.

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I am so sorry to read your post. I always look for your posts first as soon as I log on. You make me smile, laugh, think, ponder, question and gosh just lots of things. I sure can understand needing a break, been thinking about taking one myself lately. Just take care of yourself (that is foremost) and keep in touch when you feel like it. Being positive is so very important in this fight.

Love and hugs,

Nancy B

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Becky - although I have not been a member very long......I always looked for your "picture of the knight" and enjoyed reading your posts. Sorry you have so many things going on, and I have read between the lines and am sorry that has happened as well.

Good luck with everything and I will continue to look for posts in the future!

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Like others who have replied to your post, I hope you will only be away a short time. I so enjoy reading your posts and will always be grateful for your pm's when I wanted more info on your experience with MD Anderson.

Wishing you a nice break.


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How will this board be the same without you? I love reading your posts and personally will miss the heck out of you being gone for a while. Please don't stay gone long as we all need you here. I understand that you have alot going on in your life right now and I want you to do what is best for YOU! Still, being selfish and all, I will miss you very much. I love puppies and was looking forward to keeping up with the puppy saga as I did the little frogs.

Take care of yourself sweetie and come back when you can.


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I know this response is a tad late......but just wanted to say what a freakin' boring world this would be if everyone had the same opinion, same perspective, same outlook.......

You're a breath of fresh air....always look forward to your posts.

Mary :)

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Late - late - late! I'm always late for everything lately (see even that's late :( ) Please count me in as a fan of your posts and I hope you'll come back soon. You'll need to just to get your mind off all the stuff the puppy is chewing up, right :shock: . Take care - miss ya already.

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