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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Drive Time

    Yep, it's funny how a song will come on the radio just when we need it. The message of the song, and from you, is right on. Movin' on! Don
  2. NED after five years! That is wonderful, Alisa! Congratulations! Don
  3. Margaret, glad you are in a support group, and hope it will be helpful to you. it is normal to feel things more deeply during your bereavement. When I lost my parents, I cried in all sad movies, more than usual. When you are reminded of things, it may tug at your heart, and that's okay. My advice on what to do is: Do what you feel is right for you. I don't think there are any hard and fast society rules anymore. Blessings. Don
  4. Yep, vent away. That's the pits.
  5. Frank, so glad to see you back and on the mend. Don
  6. Happy birthday, Cindi!
  7. Not"sick" at all. I believe we are given these experiences in order to help others. Prayers for you and mom. Don
  8. Don Wood

    Still a NERD!

    Alriiiiiiiight, Fay!
  9. Glad you found us. First, the onc needs to get your dad's pain under control. Is he taking any pain medication? As long as the pain is so bad, he can't think of anything else, and, of course, will be depressed. And, yes, it is normal to go in and out of depression with LC. My wife does this frequently, even when on an antidepressant. But your dad needs positive support and hope, and there is plenty around here. My wife was given 9 months, and she is 2 1/2 years from diagnosis. The prognosis in LC is all statistical, and each patient is an individual. Best to you all. Glad you have good support from your hubby and family. Let us know how to support you. Don
  10. I am a grandfather and I think the best gift from you is to share with him how much he has meant to you, whether in a letter or just sharing one-on-one. You are his legacy. Don
  11. This sounds like a recurrence to me. As the doc said, cells could have escaped the lung and lived in the body, traveling to the brain. My wife, when diagnosed with LC, had no visible tumors in her lungs, but many tumors in her bones. It took a biopsy to determine that it was lung cancer. Don
  12. Don Wood


    My deepest sympathies at the loss of your mom. May the memories of times shared be a healing for you. Don
  13. Beth, your feelings are normal for a caregiver. No one is going to know what you are going through unless they are or have been a caregiver to a life-threatened patient. We caregivers have to accept that as a fact, and move on. We do need to express our feelings on a regular basis -- here, and to a confidant. We do need to take breaks and need to reach out to others to watch the spouse while we take those needed breaks. It is even more imperative for you, because you are working also. Turn your anger away from those who don't understand and toward taking care of yourself and your spouse. You can't do the caregiver thing without help -- you will suffer physically, emotionally and mentally, and then get yourself ina position where you can't help him like you want to. I wish you well in turning this around to something positive. Don
  14. Happy birthday, Cindi! The old half century, eh? Celebrate well. Don
  15. Don Wood

    KatieB 4000

    Our gal, KatieB, has made her 4000th post, continuing her love, advice and support as she has done since the site began. Katie, thanks to you and Rick for continuing your great support of all of us. May blessings abound in your household. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You're a jewel. Don
  16. You give me a very uneasy feeling about your oncologists. Is it time to find another for a second opinion? Don
  17. You are right -- it is a nightmare. So sorry, good friend. Hang in there -- again. Don
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