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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Gives new meaning to "horsing around"!
  2. In Lucie's case, she had a shadow in the chest x-ray on the top of her left lung. It could have been cancer, or scar tissue, or something else. Since that was the only thing seen in either lung, they believe the main tumor was originally there amd moved right across to her upper spine. This shadow has remained constant and never grown, so it is not thought to be cancer. Don
  3. Hi, Patti, and welcome to this site. I agree that your mom should try the chemo. My wife just went off Navelbine and it worked well for her. No one, not even the docs, can tell an individual how long they will live. I think the treatment is worth it to give your mom more months, if not years. Don
  4. Wishing you both good news also.
  5. Beautiful. I'll have to be more aware this year.
  6. So sorry to hear that Darlene has passed on. Thanks for letting us know. My heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. Don
  7. Stable is good, Barb -- very good. Congrats. Don
  8. Welcome, autumn972. First, we have all heard "not a cure" -- it is a standard disclaimer with lung cancer. No one, not even the doctors, know how long each of us has. We learn to live with the uncertainty. My wife is also Stage IV (see below) and she is 28 months from diagnosis and still going. Hang in there. Plenty of hope. Don
  9. Good to hear, Karen. I think children reflect the home atmosphere.
  10. Yep, we went from "appears to be" to "definitely" a liver lesion. We are still waiting to see if Lucie is a candidate for the radiowave probe. Best to you all. Don
  11. Don Wood

    Saw Surgeon

    Beth, it sounds like a good plan, and you like the surgeon, so I am thinking it is a positive report. Thanks for letting us know. Blessings. Don
  12. Hi, Bruce, and welcome here. Don't have any info for you now, but continue to let us know how we may help you. Don
  13. June, welcome! Glad you joined us. Please let us know how we may support you as we go. We are all in this together. Don
  14. Wendy, it sounds to me like you have already moved in a positive direction with your life -- taking advantage of the moment, expressing to others their importance to you, not sweating the small stuff. The biker, Lance Armstrong's, mother told him "Make every challenge or setback an opportunity." I believe that. We don't really know why we get cancer, or any other calamity. But one thing is to use our experience and knowledge to help others walking the same path, as we do here on the website. Our purpose, I believe, is tied to our passions (things we love to do) and to the needs around us. This means we are called to do those things that give us joy and at the same time fulfill a need in the world. That is where I look for what I am supposed to be doing. That is how I believe. Don
  15. Randi, sorry your mom's cancer is not responding to the treatments. My prayers are with you. Don
  16. A whale of a tale, er -- tail.
  17. What a wonderful Valentine that is, Joanie! Happy Valentine's!
  18. Wishing the best for you and your sister.
  19. Hi, Cyndy, and welcome! I have a niece named Cindy, so that's close enough. There is plenty of hope and support here. My wife is Stage IV nsclc, was given 9 months, and is now 28 months from diagnosis, still haing in there. Best to you. Don
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