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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Cappy, welcome to the posting community. Radiation is cumulative, so you may experience some fatigue as the treatment progresses and for a while afterwards. But it can be handled. Don
  2. Welcome! The key is your dad is Stage III. That is because of lymph node involvement, which means the cancer has escaped the lung. With Stage I and II, the cancer is believed to be contained and surgery can be performed to remove it. When one is Stage III or IV, where the cancer has escaped, puting someone through surgery would not remove all the cancer. In those cases, chemo and radiation are prescribed. Hope that helps. Don
  3. David, thanks for the update. You all are in my prayers. Don P. S. I like the pic too.
  4. I pray that the mastectomy is a success.
  5. David and Karen, I am so sorry you had to be the brunt of someone's negativity. Glad you shared it with us. You two hang in there. You have lots of support from the rest of us. Cancer does weird things to people sometimes and that is the only excuse I can think of. Shake it off and move on with posivity (is that a word?). Don
  6. Enjoy! What part of Canada will you be visiting. There is so much beauty. Don
  7. Donna, congratulations! Celebrate!
  8. Ann, so glad you are okay. Hope Ivan takes a different turn. Don
  9. Having a degree doesn't make one smart.
  10. Happy Anniversary, you two. Lucie and I savor every anniversary and birthday, etc., now, too. "Don" is a good name -- I like that. Don
  11. Kel, that is incredible. Maybe a button with "I'm a woman, hear me roar!" would be appropriate. Glad to hear the good news. You are a good caregiver. Don
  12. I'm for open communicati9n. I would tell her in as brief a form as you can get away with. Don
  13. Don Wood

    CT Results

    Alriiiiiiiiight, TAnn!
  14. What a very wise son you have! What a support!
  15. Betty and Ann, so glad you are okay. You guys have had more than your share of storms this year. I'm praying the next one leaves you all completely alone. Don
  16. Shelley, sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. My deepest sympathies. Don
  17. Lisa, thanks for the update. So good that your son is involved. I believe that will help him cope as well as be of aid to you two. By all means, have him post. I don't think there are any tennagers actively posting at this time. Perhaps if your son posts, others who are lurking out there will also come forward. Best to you all. Don
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