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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. I am sorry you are in this situation. You are right though about the value of lists. This forum is a great one and there are many people here who have had major lung surgery and are doing very well. Several have had a lung removed and live fully normal lives -- one is a marathon bike racer! You certainly have the right to have a second opinion before the surgery and to have a say in how this plays out while you are on the table. If you would feel better having blood work before surgery, ask the doctor about it. I am sure that they will be happy to discuss your options with you. If they are not, -- RUN! Keep us posted.
  2. Lisa O

    Checking in...

    Carleen, You are both in my prayers on SO MANY LEVELS. Love, Lisa
  3. Hurry Home David. We were worried.
  4. Happy Thanksgiving Lucie and Don. Thanks for the good news. I hope there is a more where that came from... you both deserve it.
  5. Lisa It sounds like you have been through such an ordeal. I am so glad you have family surrounding you now. Hang in there - You have a lot of us praying for you. Lisa
  6. Lisa O

    New sponsor

    That is an awesome site!
  7. As always Dean, It is great to hear from you. I think of you so often! You remain in my prayers! Lisa
  8. I hate when anyone wants to do things with the "majority".... it rings of that "moral" majority of the 1970's.... and it was not always so moral! It might be interesting, though to stop recognizing religious holidays as government holidays, obvious sarcasm aside. Vacation time could always be chosen as it is for Jews, muslims, or other religious participants on their days of religious observation. In addition to considering Christmas, Sundays and Christian Holidays as the only ones relevant, the debate as posted is overly simplistic and ignores many of the true constitutional principles involved. I happen to have a great deal of faith and have no problem with the 10 commandments or the pledge, however, I do recognize that I am not the only person who matters.
  9. Lisa O

    DavidC today

    He has my prayers. Please keep us posted.
  10. Lisa O

    I'm pissed

    I am with Curtis Beth, The Onc is an insensitive clod - but you are the one we care about so I would rather not waste energy on the clod. In the end, you couldn't tolerate that drug for either reason and a psychiatric hisory should not imply fault even if it had been A TRUE ENTRY. So try to move on for your sake.
  11. I am so sorry. Can't they take the darn node out? Grrrrrrrrr..... Happy Thanksgiving!
  12. Welcome Karen, I am glad you found us. Congratulations on quitting smoking. Be carefull not to mix up "small cell lung cancer" (SCLC) With Squamous cell carcinoma - that can be confusing.... with initials... I hope you are doing well.
  13. Welcome! I hope you enjoy remission for a long time to come!
  14. wwwwweeeelllll... does anyone have a weather report?
  15. I am sorry to hear about your mom. She sounds like she was so giving. You sound like you have so much strength of spirit. YOU take care of yourself. Thanks for reminding me about the Interview with God site.... It is so awesome. Lisa
  16. I love the song.... the seventies are a blur... That truly was a tragedy!
  17. I am so happy you found comfort there! I hope you find more comfort in the days ahead! Lisa
  18. I sent this out: All these beautiful people Some still with us Some passed on, Mothers and fathers Sons and daughters Husbands and wives, Ask you to try To identify their plague: It kills more men each year Than prostate cancer, It kills more women each year Than breast cancer, It kills three times more people Per year than AIDS. Yet there aren't any public outcries, There aren't any celebrity sponsors, There aren't any fund raising marches. The government allocates it 1/9th of Funds to research as it does to other diseases, Although they've made billions off its sources. These people have to endure "Second class citizen" status from doctors, And horrible fatality rates. Have you figured it out yet? Lung Cancer is a merciless Killer.... To stop the death of innocent people, scientists need more funding. We also must stop blaming the victims of this horrible disease. Please help to see that lung cancer gets the research funding and attention necessary to put an end to it's killing rampage! Please help by forwarding this message to everyone on your email list to raise awareness for lung cancer awareness month. People must be aware that lung cancer is not just a disease of long time smokers. It is attacking more and more young non smokers. It is also a disease that NO ONE deserves. It is a vicious killer and robs families of young mothers and fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles -any valuable relationship. Please help spread the word that we will no longer tolerate shoving the number one cancer killer in the closet.
  19. I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like he was a beautiful and caring man. May his memory provide comfort through the most difficult times.
  20. Lisa O

    Anna Shearing

    I am so very sorry. She sounds like such a remarkable woman. May you find comfort in your memories of time together.
  21. A good malpractice attorney will not schedule a face to face meeting with 99 out of 100 potential clients who call the office for a meeting. Another 99 out of 100 of those may never be filed. When a good malpractice attorney files a case, there is often a case of horrendous neglect which CAUSED massive DAMAGE. Don't let the press fool you. If you do -- you have fallen prey to some money well spent on manipulation of public opinion.
  22. 1. Congratulations on what I hope is the first of very very very many anniversaries of survival. 2. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. It was so nice that you kept him in touch with online communities when he was unable to get online himself. I am glad you have chosen to remain in touch with us.
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